Sunday, December 5, 2010

Happy 60th Birthday to the most amazing mom in the world!

Last night was one of the best nights of my you want to know why?
I showed my mom how much she is loved by so many people. Last night we surprised my mom with a party just for her, it was finally a night all about her!
She deserved nothing but the best, my mom is truly one of the most loved, respected, thoughtful and kind woman you will ever meet. This woman is honestly the strongest person in the world, not only is she strong but she is optimistic, caring and has taught me to always have faith and never give up on anything that I believe in. SHE has always been my rock, she has been the one to comfort me, protect me, calmed me, encouraged me, picked me up when I was unable to walk, at times she has breathed for me. In my most darkest moments, those moments at the bedside when I thought it was the last breath I would ever take...she was the one who breathed for me, until I could breath again. She has always been there, when I was devasted, when I was happy, overjoyed, when I gave up, when I fought, when my babies were born and everytime I thought I was loosing. She always know's when to sit and listen, she know's when to talk, she always knows what to say. She has taught me to be the best that I can be.
Last night was about HER!
Her job in this world has not always been easy and continue's to be a challenge at times. Regardless of the situation she has never judged, she always forgives and she continue's to wait for you to return. In hopes that someday you will...until then, she waits!
I am and continue to be the luckiest daughter in the world! I have been blessed...and I will never take her for granted.
Follow me in the pictures below, hope you enjoy the picture's I chose to share. It was a magical night, thank you to all of you who came and spent this amazing night with an ever amazing woman.

These little puppy cupcakes were given to the guests as a parting/thank you gift. Everyone know's how much nana loves dog's, what better way to send the guests off than with a "puppy cupcake"

The dining room, this is where I set up tables and chairs for dinner to be served. It was important to me to be able to have everyone together and sharing in the evening during a sit down meal. This is my rec-room, we had to clear out the furniture to make room. It turned out perfectly, it was beautiful.

This is my two uncles and my aunt along with Ethan waiting for nana to come. We had about 30 people here and everyone showed up on time and the surprise followed through perfectly.

More of the family waiting for was nice to have Braden's friend Emily here to help serve the guest drinks and make sure they were comfortable.

The lady to right is my mom's boss at work and someone who my mom just adore's. It was wonderful to have two of my mom's co-workers present last night. I know it meant the world to her. She lives to have those she loves in her life!

Nana coming in through the front door, still not expecting anything. Ethan greeted her with a big "SURPRISE" but she still did not clue took her to come around the corner into my kitchen and see 30 people standing in my kitchen with tears in their eyes for her to get what was happening.

And the tears begin to roll as she realizes...

Sharing hugs with Terry, a friend close enough to be family!

Mom with her special friends from work

This gift was an extremely generous one given to nana from her Deb. Deb is an artist here in Cambridge and my mom has loved this painting from the moment she saw it. Deb was gracious enough to give it to my mom for her birthday. I know my mom will cherish this picture for the next 60 years! This gift went straight to the heart.

We moved downstairs and waited for the caterer's to show up with our food. There was lots of chatting and laughing going was a perfect night!

Here are our caterer's...this company was the coolest thing ever! They are a chinese food catering company who actually cooks in your driveway and then brings it into your house served hot. I know it sounds kinda weird but honestly the value and richness of this food was extremely impressive. There was nothing cheap about this meal. All of the vegetables were fresh, the meat was cooked to perfection the portion sizes were filling, there was too much food. I would recommend this company for any function that you have.

This is my cousin Terry who I love tremendously. It was a pleasure to have her bring her new boyfriend Ken. This is the first function that she has brought someone too...tells me that its pretty serious. I am so happy for her, she deserves happiness!

Time to open presents...she got the two most favorite things in the world for her birthday...Penis slippers and...

Wine! LOL, great gifts...everyone was so kind and thoughtful with their gifts! Thankyou for your generosity!

It's not a birthday without a picture with your sisters, daughter, grandaughter, neice and cousin...she is loved! XOXO

Blowing out her candles...

Happy Birthday Mama... We all love you so very much!
and mom....
Thanks for always choosing to dance~

1 comment:

  1. You are right she is an amazing woman, always has been, being very close to your family growing up and now your parents are like my own. Your mom has helped me grow up along side you. She is truley a special woman. I am so glad to be apart of your family. You and Paul did an amzing job with all the hard work you put in, I can say I know how hard it is to do these events but keep them as a suprise as well lol. Your house looked beautful, the food was amazing and to see your moms face when she walked around the corner was priceless. Was a night to remember and she always will thanks to you. The pics look great. Thanks for having me!
