So, I have been thinking pretty deeply about whether or not I want to buy a domain for a website. I have had some second thoughts, I'm not too sure how I feel anymore about sharing things on the internet. Everytime I sit down to write something, I chicken out?! Not sure why, but I do!
Sometime's I think its because the things that I need to write or say can effect my mood and feelings, so I sort of thought.."why write things twice and go through the emotions two times?" If I write it on my blog, then I have to re-write it in my book.
I am also aware of the fact that really? Who cares about what I am writing about? Is there anyone who really cares? So, I think my final decision is going to be to keep this blogspot going, maybe after Jan 01 2011 I will blog every once in awhile. Things that are a fun, or exciting news that I want to share with the world.
I think I have decided to keep my life experiences private, and if you out there are in anyway interested in reading my book, then just let me know and I'll get you a copy.
The only problem that I have with this decision is the people out there who do have similiar life circumstances...maybe they need to hear what I have to say? Maybe someone out there feels the same way, or is searching for someone to relate too. There is nothing more difficult then feeling like you are all alone, living your life without anyone else who can relate, its so isolating!
So, with that said...I have managed to take my time, not make any harsh decisions or make any mistakes with this blog that I will end up regretting. I have not written anything so far that I regret or wish I hadn't said.
When I started this blog, I really wanted to share that certain time in my life...it has proven to be more difficult than I had originally thought.
Maybe Paul will let me move to Italy for 4 months, rent a villa and take the time needed to focus on my book?? Ya right, as if that would ever happen?? LOL
I might get a spot by the ocean in Nova Scotia?? That could just happen, we'll see!?!
I have not given up on sharing my experiences of raising a child/young man with special needs, or my beliefs and values while doing so and maybe just maybe I will launch a website based on just that?! I will keep you posted on that decision, that is something easier for me to do. Certainly the need is out there for other parents raising children with disabilities and/or illness. I am almost finished my year, then I can return to facebook..if I choose too.
I am almost done!
I completely agree with you about writing things on the internet, its hard because when you post it, its out there for good. I know its hard to make certain choices, I have enjoyed your blog greatly and hope that instead of a blog full time you will write a book instead, then we all can buy it and ready everything you need to say, I think that will help you get through things you need to get through and deal with. LOL a villa I will come and help you :)
ReplyDeleteWhat ever you decide to do i will always support you! I do care what you write and I know why you are doing it!
Thank you Candy, I know that you are supportive and I so appreciate it! The same goes for you...anytime you need me, I will be there! Yes, a villa would be wonderful wouldn't it? Thanks for always taking the time to read and comment on my blog! Its so appreciated and I promise you will make it in my book!! LOL