Ok, I should be talking about nothing except our drive to NYC and the events of the day, but honestly how exciting is driving for 9 hours? So, I will say that everything went really well...there were no problems or trouble driving to NY. Our hotel is awesome, the kids are so happy with the rooms. When we got into NY we dropped off everything and then headed out for a walk to Times Square. We just got in and I must say this city is something else! We love it here...the sights and sounds are always exhilarating and filled with never ending energy. We are all pretty exhausted and just settling in to go over what we want to do tomorrow!
I do want to blog however about last nights events. Kail's new coach is the athletic therapist for the Hamilton Tiger Cats and she got the girls free tickets, as well as tickets for some parents...including me! It was a blast, such a fun night. It was busy though with us leaving for NY the next day. It was crazy...thankfully Paul was home and had everything organized for the next day. So, before the events the girls headed to Emily's house for pre-game festivities which included face painting, pizza and team bonding. They had a ton of fun...so much laughing a giggling and playing around...oh..the girls had fun too!
Some pictures from the day...
The girls met Ottis from the TiCat's team, he came out of the dressing room to meet them..that was very nice of COurtney.
Once we got to the game the girls and parents got their seats and started the cheering...I think we were one of the loudest groups in the stands..the girls even made it on the Jumbo tron!
Anyways...we pulled off everything well, we made it out the door this morning at 7:15am with no problems! Well done team NY!
Love the team spirit lol, they look great. How cool was that! They all looked great! Was cool that the girls got the tickets. Glad everyone had a good time!