Ok so I will apologize now in advance because this blog is just venting.
You know, there is one thing in life that I cannot stand and that is expectations..or maybe I will rephrase that.."expectations without knowing".
That is probably difficult to understand so I will try to explain it without much confusion.
Ok, I have a problem when someone places an expectation on you without you even knowing you have expectations. Pleasantly speaking...is it fair to expect something from someone if that person doesn't even know there is a problem. What happened to communication? Through all of my personal tribulations, I have never expected anything from anyone with out asking or telling them. I have learned that people are not mind readers, everyone has a busy life and on top of that, most have their own issues going on. People need to learn to stop being so self absorbed, and feel like the world is owed to them. You could be the best of friends if there is no communication, you cannot expect that person to know exactly what to do during your time of troubles. It makes much more sense to speak to them, tell them what you need and welcome their help and friendship. Another thing I hate and will not entertain is head games. I have raised both of my children to avoid this at whatever cost, life is way to short to get caught up in people`s games and immaturity. It is well known that what you give in any relationship is what you will get back from it..so be kind to those who you hold close. If there is no respect or communication, things can become misunderstood and lost in translation. If I ever need or expect something from someone, I can honestly say I do not play games...I am upfront and honest, and I expect the same back. I will not settle for anything less than that...do not become so self centred that you really believe someone can read your thoughts and should know exactly how you feel...that is just plain silly! Basically my point being, everyone has lives no one can know what is happening in your life unless you tell them and ask for support.
Its that simple....
"The way we communicate with others and with ourselves ultimately determines the quality of our lives ~ Anthony Robbins"
I agree with you totally! Communication is a big thing when we are all busy with life! Dont have it then there surely will be some lind of break down eventually! You have always been this way shouldnt be a shock to anyone now! I know that! Head games are the worst been through to much of that, know that i will not put up with it either! Its really not hard to say whats going on and what people need!