It was a wonderful mothers day, we went to Toronto to watch Braden in his final game of the season. It was a playoff game, and his team won was great! Braden played fabulous with many talented skills, his team deserved the win, they worked hard all season.
Kailey is moved downstairs and tonight will be a test. I already had some troubles this evening with her being downstairs in her bedroom doing homework, I missed her and felt she was too far away...I made her come upstairs! ;)
Harley is down there with her, he has always preferred to be with he is happy and settled for the night. I think Kailey is doing fine, better than me but the reality of it has set in and I hope she doesn't feel to left out or too far away! I know it just an adjustment, it will get better and easier...just another example of my children growing up!!
Well if you are reading my blog, first of all thank you! But I also would like to say if you are also a mom...Happy Mothers Day to you! I hope that each and everyone of you had a very special day filled with family, maybe some roses, a nice card or maybe even breakfast in bed! However you spent YOUR day, I hope you had a moment of happiness, joy and the realization that your life is blessed. As mom's, we have to carry so much on our shoulders..we do so much for our families and I know this to be true because I have witnessed each of your strengths as mom's and I am thankful to have you all in my life.
To my mom...I LOVE YOU with all of my heart and soul, I would not be the mom, woman, daughter, friend and wife that I am today with out your strong will and unconditional love and guidance that you have given me over the years! There will never be enough words to express the gratitude, thanks and love that I hold dear in my heart for you.
You truly are the strongest most beautiful women I have ever known and I could never have over come the obstacles in life that I have faced without you beside me...and for that Mom...I love you and thank you!
One more shout out to a group of girls that I love dearly..they know who they are! When I came home from Toronto I noticed that they made a beautiful piece of artwork on my chalkboard for me for Mothers day!
Check out their art skills, my goodness they are so talented!! Thank you girls, I will leave it up for a long long time!
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