Today we are heading to Pompeii, we checked out of the hotel at 7:45 and had a 45 minute drive to amazing old city of Pompeii, in A.D. 79, a neighbouring volcano Mount Vesuvius erupted, in the am people woke up to shaking world and thought the earth was ending, but it was the top of the volcano, erupting with rock ash, people were paniking ran outside, some went to the water its a miracle only 4000 died in that erruption.
People were coverd in ash and stone, it was like a air tight seal which suffocated the peolple in Pompei, people rebuilt houses but they were struck again 1600 years later with a earthquake, why would people continure to rebuild there, one reason why they kept going back was because the land was very rich and had excellent soil for farming.
In the year of 1600 people started digging and realized that they were finding another city, the city and people were found exactly they were when the people were buried alive, people siting at the tables, out side farming.
The bodies were found like an imprint in the land, so when the archeologiests were researchering this ash covered town,
they had a story of the life that use to live there, this town was literally frozen in time, everything was preserved things like paintings, tools, so the archieologists could get a descrition of what life was like for these people in Pompei.
Here is a person that was found in this state of survival, he/she was found crouching and protecting their face from the ash that was filling their world.
When we were touring this old hidden city we went through a brothel, and the parents were warned that some of the old paintings on the walls where a little sexually graphic or explicit.
Here is a picture of an actual bed that was used in one of the rooms in the brothel.
We had a laugh at this point because they were pigs back then too...they had rooms with a picture of what specialty the women in the room had or could perform. I added some pictures to show the beds that were found in this brothel. It was overwhelming to be walking through this old town knowing that people lived and roamed these streets over 1600 years ago. It is believed that this place is one of the richest archaeological sites in the world.
After our tour around Capri and Pompeii we then again boarded a much larger ship tonight, the superfast ferry it was called. The tour guide Christianne made the mistake of warning our girls that on this ship there are truck drives who board this ferry to cross the sea with cargo. Well unfortunately these dirtbags pray on the little girls, and if any of the girls give them any type of attention even a simple smile, the truck drivers will pursue them aggressivelly. The girls were warned not to look at them, or make contact, these men have no shame in their actions and would even follow them to their cabins. They were told to never be alone always stay in a group. I nearly had a nervous breakdown, I did not settle well at all with that. We sat down for dinner, and I was nearly in tears with fear and anxiety..also missing Paul and feeling very out of control. I did drink alot of wine quickly at dinner because i knew it would take the edge off. It did't take long and it was like kailey who?? no seriously, we decided to gather all the kids in one area of the ship and one of the dad's plays in a band so he pulled out his guitar. It was nice to have all of the kids together nice and safe singing songs with their friends, teachers and parents. Colleen and I headed to bed a bit early and left the group, Colleen was a little nauseous and me homesick..we settleed the girls nicely in their rooms and retired for the night, of course we stayed up in our room and chatted,it ended up being a very nice evening...once I settled!
I am sending out a big Happy Birthday wish to my bestest friend Candy..miss you much and wish you where here with us!! XOXO
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