Today we are heading to Sorrento, and Naples Capri. We will be taking a fairy boat across. Our tour bus driver is from Naples, his name is Guisseppi he is very nice and loves the kids but his patience is short. Typical European man. Let me tell you about last nights walking events. Guiseppi was lost after one of our tours and he couldn't find us. So our tour guide Christiane had suggested that we walk to the restaurant to have dinner. She said it was only about 20 minutes away..sure we all agreed and thought the exercise would be good. Today we visited Capri, and Naples..i must admit that Capri Italy has Cozumel Mexico beat out in beauty, it is officially my favorite place in the world so far,
We boarded a small ferry boat and crossed the Bay of Naples to the captivating Isle of Capri. We had a tour of some shore and mountains of capri.


was so magnificantly beautiful, truly nothing I have ever seen before the boat ride was so fun, the captain let us sit right up front where there where no kids and only 6 of us adults. The mountains and caves we witnessed were surreal, really words could not ever explain the beauty that we witness..i have put some pictures up of the mountains for you too see. the tour guide had shown us a villa that Jay Z and Beyonce had rented for a month, he also stated that they were a very demanding group and expected to have anything they wanted whenever they wanted it. He felt they thought because they had money they could get anything. he seemed annoyed with them. he also stated that his father had a problem wih P Diddy years ago. While in beautiful Capri we shopped in some small family runned buisnesses, and picked up their selling features as souveingers. They have this alchol called Lemoncello which is served usually in Capri after dinner time. WOW, talk about amazing, one shot and we were already feeling warm and fuzzy. It was a wonderful drink and we got some shots for free. The locals were very friendly and seemed to enjoy having us overtake thier little village. As you can see by some of the pictures this place was so dreamlike, it was a place for serenity, love and harmony. When I am ready to write my book, this is a place that I would love to retreat too, rent a villa a spend 6 months alone, finding all the right words needed to make my book a success!! No one said I couldn't dream while I was there!!
I am apologizing know for all the typing errors and spelling mistakes, most of these blogs were wrote while sitting on a bus, while everyone else slept..I wrote.
Your pictures are beautiful, I cant wait to see more of them. I would like to have some of yours to put up with Spencers in my new frame I bought for the front hall, its empty and looks like I found the rest of my pics to be filled lol. I can only imagine the sights, pictures can only show so much but its one od those things you had to be there for! I cant wait to hear about every day of your trip and be walked through all you pictures! Glad you guys are home!