Today we had Ethan for the day because he was sick. I felt so bad for him, he had a slight fever, cough, sore throat and red, sore eyes..probably due to pink eye. When he first showed up he was pretty quiet and just lied on the couch and rested, watched a movie with me. By lunch time he came around and ate a good lunch, he perked up after that and we could see his colorful personality shine.

The picture above is one of his favorite stances that he uses while playing spiderman. He has loved spiderman for probably 3 years and his love for that super hero is still going strong.
Ethan is the most brightest, loving, good hearted little boy you would ever meet. He has the gift to gab and loves to talk about everything. He truly does have a love for life. He is always asking questions that broadens his quest for knowledge. He is an observer from afar but when he is interested in something he will take the time to learn, study and figure out everything there is to know about the that topic. I admire his innocense and his abiltity to engage in any conversation whether it is with another child or a grown up who wants to be challenged.
Boy is he a lover, he has so many wonderful people in his life who love him and are so eager to leave an imprint in his life just so they feel like a little peice of them is involved with the wonderful man he will grow up to be. We as a family were blessed the day he was born, he has brought so much to our lives and we love him unconditionally.

He has the best sense of humour you could ever imagine, the boy is quick. Sometimes he surprises me with his quick wit and catch phrases. He is no fool, and you can never get anything by him. He has the best ability to make you laugh, and the best part is he has no idea how funny he actually is. He is definately set in his ways, there is no changing him. He has to have things done when he is ready and it has to be his idea. He can be challenging, opinionated, but when he turns around and smiles..he lights up the room. His smile is infectuous.

I will take the opportunity to brag about his talent, this child has the strongest artistic strenghs I have ever witnessed in a 6 year old. He can draw better than many 13 year old I know, and recently we found his writing skills to be way above average. Not only can he draw and write, but he can dance! We took him to a wedding a couple years ago and without any lessons, the kid hit the dance floor with rhythm like no ones buisness. We had young adults 20-23 years old approaching us on his talent. Many of them commented on his natural ability to pick up a beat and feel it. I will say he does have talent on the dance floor.

Times have been a bit rough lately for him, and it breaks are hearts to see him hurt. We cannot understand how he feels, but we can stand with him and hold him and let him know that we love him feircely and we are always here for him. I know in time things will get better for our little man, until then....all we can do is love him, and we are experts at that!!
So, today was kinda funny. I haven't had a little one in the house for awhile during the day. Once he started to feel better, he was on my hip in the kitchen..i'm bored aunt Sissy, what can I do? I want to paint, I want to play with clay, can you play tic tac toe?? Of course, i do! But it was 4:00 in the afternoon and I was needing to get dinner made. It was then I remembered "the Witching Hour". Oh my goodness it all came back! I had vivid memories of trying to get dinner ready, being tired, being hungry and having 2 young tired kids driving me crazy around the kitchen. It was funny, I have not had a moment like that in years...from 4pm till 5pm I would struggle waiting for Paul to come home to entertain the kids so I could finish dinner..that was called "My Witching Hour" its been so long since that hour resurfaced..where did that come from? Actually it wasn't that bad...i called Kailey to come and set up the Wii for him, it took care of him for an hour! Overall, I loved every minute of today..he went home after dinner tonight and I already miss him!
He'll be back, won't be long and I'll have him rooting through the cupboards looking for cookies and a kool aid jammer. Once that's been done, he usually makes his way over to the movies pulls out a spiderman one or Harry Potter, then plunks down on the couch. Soon summer will be here and he will be happily running from the pool to the hot tub, excitedly yelling..."aunt Sissy watch my flip", "aunt Sissy watch me dive", Aunt Sissy wears the Spiderman goggles"..aunt Siss....
and then I'll be tired!!
He is an amazing little boy, funny, and you arent sure what he will say next, something like he is looking for spirits lol! He is very lucky to have all of you in his life to help him get through all the stuff he is going through. With all your help and guidance he will be the luckiest kid around!