I just love my kitty cat! She really is very cute, loving and adorable. We got her 6 years ago when we had promised Kailey her own make a wish. Braden had a wish granted which included a trip to California to watch a Anehiam Mighty Ducks NHL hockey playoff game. At the time his favorite hockey player was Paul Karya so we had the privelidge of flying down and seeing the 2nd playoff game between the Mighty Ducks and the New Jersey Devils. On top of all of that we had a private meeting with Wayne Gretzgy and a day in Disneyland. It was a wonderful memorable trip, we were very thankful and appreciative. However there was always an underlying sick feeling associated with the reason's we were there and the fact that we qualified for a Make A Wish, deep down we knew the reality of the situation and for that, at times it was hard to swallow! Well let me tell you how out of joint our little Kailey bug was..she was disgusted with the fact that her brother was recieving so much attention and so many gifts. Natually she didn't understand the whole picture, she was only 6 years old. To her it just wasn't fair, she only knew Braden as her annoying, bratty older brother...special needs or not!! No sympathy from her..
I had to do something for her...god forbid she feels less important, or less loved! We had some making up to do...we gave her, her very own wish. She chose her own kitty cat, she wanted her very own pet something she could take care of. This wasn't going to be easy considering Paul dislikes cats and I am allergic to them. Honestly I knew I was getting away with it easy, she could have chosen so many other things that could have costs alot of money. So without telling Paul (not the best decision) I took Kailey out to the Humane Society and she picked out the tiniest, scruffiest, blackest little kitten you could ever imagine. Was she cute? No not really, her fur was matted, she wasn't soft, fluffy or clean but for whatever reason Kailey fell in love. We picked her out, went through the adoption process and took her home. I had no idea what to expect out of Paul it didn't really matter as long as Kailey was happy and feeling like she was equally important as her brother.
In time Maggie did get cuter, and her little personality began to shine. At the time we only had one dog and she quickly let Harley know who was in charge.
Ok well for being so small this cat can drive me more crazy than pretty much anyone else in this house. First of all this morning, we woke up a bit later and we were rushing around trying to get out the door of course all I hear is Maggie meowing and meowing and meowing to be let out of her sleeping room. We have to lock her in the laundry room or she'll come upstairs to my room and keep me up all night walking all over me and demanding that I get up to feed her and let her outside. Even the dogs know to wait until we have time to feed them and let outside to pee.
Maggie continued to meow until I finally let her out, immediately she runs to the back door and demands to be let outside, when I say demand I mean MEOW MEOW MEOW! There was no time to let her out I had to get Kailey to school. So she waits intently until I get home and walk through the front door, she runs through the house to get to the kitchen counter inorder to voice very loudly that she is hungry and would like her food, MEOW MEOW MEOW..OMG, leave me alone! Finally I begrudgingly feed her. Another thing she does frequently, is whenever I want to snuggle with her, forget it! She wants nothing to do with me! She runs, hides and stays clear of my voice. But, when she wants to cuddle and purr her little heart out..she is all over me, demanding my attention. So this morning I am typing out some stuff for Braden and up she comes on my lap...doesn't seem to care that there is a laptop sitting on my lap, up she comes and down goes all my typing. She hit a something which deleted the page I was typing on..yes I had half of it saved but still I had to redo alot of the work.
I don't get it, how can something so small drive me so crazy. Yes I love her, and I am glad that she is ours...but somedays, I wish she'd go easy on me!!
I love the pics her and Harley lol very cute. Yes even though they are very tiny they can be more of a pain then kids can be. I know there are some days I find Buddy more of a baby then my 3 kids lol! She was meant to be part of your family even though Paul chases her every chance he can get lol!
ReplyDeleteLOL, your right Candy! She fits in here very well even tho Paul is so mean to her! Buddy is beautiful and totally loved by all of you! He is lucky to have such a loving family!! xox
ReplyDeleteMaggie! LOL!
ReplyDeleteHere Maggie! Here Maggie! Come here and eat these little fishies and then go and visit Chrissy to get cuddled..... lol... Love you Chrissy...xo