“Even though we've changed and we're all finding our own place in the world, we all know that when the tears fall or the smile spreads across our face, we'll come to each other because no matter where this crazy world takes us, nothing will ever change so much to the point where we're not all still friends.”
I had an amazing day today! Blessed in so many ways, and I always love to be reminded of that.
I had lunch with Candy today, it was so nice to see her again. We chatted mostly about family, kids, husbands and just life in general. We shared many laughs, mostly at Candy's expense..I won't go into detail, don't want to embarrass my friend. I actually could use today as blackmail, but I'll save it for another day!
Colleen and I went out this evening to a wonderful, quaint little pizza restaurant in Ayr. It was Colleen's find, and she wanted to take me there for dessert and coffee. We ended up sitting there for about 3 hours talking about so much in life. I enjoyed that quiet little place "San Fransico's" very much, it was a wonderful evening. Colleen and I shed some tears, laughed, giggled and at times spoke so loudly (out of excitemnent) that other tables would listen in on our conversation. Colleen and I don't get the opportunity as much because she works full time days and both our evenings are usually really busy so that leaves us with little to work with. I love having days like today where I get the chance to be reminded of who I am and how I have gotten here. Everything about my closest friends depicts who I have become, if you don't have great friends in life....your world would be a lonely place! I am lucky to have such good friends from childhood and we are still going strong. A friend will love, care and respect who we become always standing beside us, at times maybe questioning you on certain decisions or choices but always there to accept you. It may not always be perfect, sometimes there are disagreements, disappointments and misunderstandings. But a true friend does not critisize, argue or judge they are there to listen, guide and protect. I have had many moments in my life that I have been unsure of, I can honestly say that my friends have been beside me every step of the way. I am thankful for both of them, and I love them very much!
Beautiful. I'm so happy for you. I have a lot of people I can call friend but only a few that are the type of friend you're talking about.
ReplyDeleteBTW.... I feed the fish every day...lol
ReplyDeleteLOL, Thanks Ed..don't let the fish get to chubby!! Friends are great, you definately need at least 2 close ones to make it through life...I am glad that you can have your friendships as well, its important!
ReplyDeleteHey there, glad you left our the blackmail stuff today, I am still laughing right now! Its rare to have close friends as long as we have, you are right we had our moments growing up lol, but as you mature and get older, friends are what help us get through things and be there in a moments notice no matter what. I wouldnt change anything in our past its what made us who we are today and I thankful to have close friends who I can depend. 33 years this year wow where has the time gone. I can only imagine you to at the restaurant making a scene lol, you guys are crazy really! Not me I am perfect LOL! Keep your comments to yourself Chrissy lol! Love ya
ReplyDeleteLOL, thanks to each of you for your wonderful comments. It is encouraging to hear from you and it inspires me daily to continue to write! I appreciate the time you take to read my blog, this is a personal little spot of the internet that I own and I am very excited to see where this leads me!
ReplyDeletegreat pic of the three of you!!! that is wonderful you guys have kept together for so long.
ReplyDeleteI wish I had friends like that