Here is a picture of my boy! Every Sunday he goes to Toronto to play Powerwheelchair hockey. It is his life, he loves hockey. He has so much knowledge about ice hockey as well as powerwheelchair hockey. Braden plays on a team called "The King"s, and he has an awesome coach who he loves and thinks is so funny! It takes alot of skill to play this game, and I can honestly say Braden is great at it. He is a high scorer, he has many assists and he is a real team leader. Even though Paul has to drive to Toronto every SUnday it is so worth it, he has met amazing people who are true inspirations. Unfortunately due to Kaileys ringette schedule I don't get out to see him play as much. That makes me sad, and I hope to catch the end of his season when Kaileys season is over. Untill then, I am cheering from the homefront, very very loudly! Today was a good day, it was busy once again. I ran this morning, it was a great run and I felt so good afterwards. Then I hiked over to the laundry mat to wash the dogs beds I perfer to wash their beds at the laundry mat because I don't want all the dog hair in my machines. Here is Finley enjoying her nice, clean, fresh bed.

After that, I headed to Hamilton with Braden for his walking therapy or treadmill training as they like to call it!
After we were done at MacMaster we headed to Wendys for dinner. It was nice to have sometime with him today..life gets so busy and I miss these moments together. After Braden's therapy appointment I got home at around 6:15pm and then was out the door again at 7:15pm to have Kailey at the arena for a practice. My day was filled, but I loved it! Paul of course was busy working on the basement, I will post pics soon of that...wow, it is coming along amazingly! He is working so hard...thank you Paul I am so appreciative of all your hard work, I know that your workmanship is fabulous and I won't be disappointed with your job...that's why I didn't want to hire anyone to do it...I like your work!! Its the best!! Wishing everyone sweet dreams..
You're an amazing girl, Chrissy.