Well my blogs for the next couple days are probably going to be focused on Ringette.
This weekend all of my time is being spent in arenas. Its ok, I don't mind it...
Today was another battle, they played Ajax today and came back from a 3-0 game in the first period and tied it up early in the second period. Unfortunately the Ajax coach pulled a time out and that team came out with avengence. They scored fairly quickly and stole the game from the girls. It wasn't good, we could have beat them. We won against them last week 6-4, its too bad. The second game was against Guelph and that was a better game, we still lost 3-1 but they played a better game. The girls were tired they have already played 4 games in 2 days, its alot for them. Tomorrow is a new day, they are playing Missisauga and have beat them so far this year most of the games. I hope that the girls are not to down on themselves after these past two games and come out ready to win! I know they can do it, my goodness they are so talented, if only they could believe in themselves a bit more! Braden went out to help start up a Kitchner Powerwheelchair team. He had an amazing time, he is so excited. Due to his experience with his Toronto team Braden was a leader out there today and brought knowledge,skill and heart to this new developing team. I don't think Braden will leave his Toronto team, but if he manages to play on two teams then he will get lots of practice and his goal for getting on the Canadian National Powerwheelchair team will become a reality. He is hoping for a spot on that team because there will be a chance to travel, possibly to Italy. That would be cool, then I found out there is a chance Kailey will be going to FInland next summer, 2011..if all goes well for her coach. I am so proud of my kids, they are so determined and work hard for their wants and desires. Not sure where they get that desire because I certainly didn't have it as a teenager! Anyways...I am off for bed, up again tomorrow morning and out the door into a cold arena..the life of a ringette mom..and trainer! Thanks to mom and dad, Candy and Kelsey and Uncle Dave, Aunt Flick and Uncle Blair for their undying support through this weekend. Its nice to look out into the stands and see family there with happy smiles, waves and lots of cheers...we love you guys!!
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