Saturday, January 2, 2016

Always Believe In Magic..100 Things I Want To Teach My Daughter #82

*This was suppose to be posted a long time ago*

100 Things I Want To Teach My Daughter #82~ Always Believe In Magic**

With Christmas fast approaching once again we are in the midst of  holiday magic. It's a time of which I always find myself reminiscing about my own childhood, and just how wonderful my mom made the holidays~

I remember when I started questioning the belief of Santa Claus. Is it all true, is it real? How can Santa possibly fly around the world in one night handing out millions and millions of toys to children?
My mom being the most amazing woman in the world and constantly thinking of our feelings and emotions had the best response ever..
one that I took with me into my own parenting...
she simply replied,
"I will always believe in the spirit of Santa, in the magic of giving" "
If you believe in your heart of the spirt of Santa, then forever you will feel his presence every Christmas eve."
She never came out and said yes or no, and within time we obviously figured it out. She just shut us down gently with a silent whisper and promise that if we believe, then we will feel.
She chose to never take the feeling of magic and the innocence of childhood away from us.

I chose to do the same with my children, when I started to get questions I gave my kids the same explanation...I told them its all in their heart. If they want to believe, then do. Eventually we did discuss the Christmas traditions of Santa coming down the chimney. But once again, if you believe his spirit was of a generous, giving and Saintly gift then you will feel his spirit on Christmas eve forever~ That's exactly what we have done.
My dear fox, always remember Christmas is for children. Its a season of giving, its so very important to teach your own children to give. Not only gifts but your time, volunteer in a shelter, or a teenage maternity home. Give back to your community and give thanks to those who have been there for you over the year. For those feelings are the ones magic is made of.

It's ok to believe in Santa, for as long as you can. Childhood is taken from many far too soon.

Now for the other magic, the feelings of love, lust and admiration.
My darling, all of that can be beautiful. There is magic in the world, you just have to define it. Make it your own. Everyone has their own definition of magic.

To me magic are the little things, a rainbow, a smile, a helping hand sometimes it can something as simple as the sunshine. For me, I know how dark life can be. I have seen the bottom of life many times, but I have felt magic many more~

Believe always Kail that anything is possible and that dreams can come true. Magic is all around us, sometimes you have to look for it. Actually most always you have to look for it.

Love is magic, but love is work. The magic in love is defined only by you. You must make your own magic, and never be afraid to express it. You deserve the very best, and even if you have to ask for a bit of sparkly enchantment...when the moment finally happens, promise yourself to enjoy it.
Never compare your magic to anyone else's~

The world is a beautiful place fox, in whirl of chaos...there will always be magic!
Do not loose your sense of wanderlust, always search for the happy~

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