Friday, November 13, 2015

Ooooops.....Happy birthday but Merry Christmas Bro!

Hello my lovelies...again I am behind on Blogging. But this year we celebrated Braden's 22nd birthday. It was a quiet celebration, family only. We got him tickets too see a 21 Pilots concert in London. He is pretty happy about that, so is Kailey as we got her a ticket too.
Speaking of Kailey, you all know how very proud we are of her. She made it too University, great program, worked hard to get there...hopes to further her education and get her PhD in some sort of medicine. So basically she's a smart, hardworking young lady. SO proud~
So she decides to get her brother a birthday present, all on her own. Drives to the mall...picks out a card, gets him a gift certificate. Prepares the whole thing on her own, very pleased with herself.

Easy right? Pick up a birthday card, sign it and give it too her brother. Nothing hard with that....simple, she can handle it for Christ sakes...she is in University. Smart girl...
Except....she can't handle it.....
Lol...she accidently picked him up a Christmas Card.
Our family has this thing with adjusting and altering cards to personalize them. I think it started because I preferred homemade cards from the kids as they grew up. So they got into the habit of writing their own words and phrases in the existing card.
As you can see in the above picture, she so eloquently crosses out the "Christmas" and supplements it with "your birthday". My children also like to draw their own pictures on the cards, as you can see she draws some birthday balloon's on the TV up top left hand side. Thankfully she goes on too explain they are not sperm.
She also very intelligently X-outs the word "Bro" referring to her brother and ever so sisterly replaces it with "f*g"....cause that's how they roll! Proud you may ask? Absolutely!!

Again, she realizes the card is for Christmas so she crosses that out cause its clearly October 27th...not even close to Christmas. Then she proceeds to explain her mistake just like any clever, "in-training" scientist would do. Cause she's smart like that~

Thankfully she expresses her love, I must say that's my favorite part of the card. She sign's it with a Love You, Kailey...however she doesn't like to be called Kailey so she slides in the old---->Kail.

Up can see she "accidently" spells Birthday wrong. I suppose its cause she's too busy solving molecular chemical reactions. I don't know..but obviously she's over looked a few things. Maybe its all the coffee she's recently become addicted too?...again...I don't know~

She sorta has a new fascination with becoming a dog...that's fun! Not sure what too think of that, I have to admit since going off to school she is becoming a completely different person...
Needless to say our reaction to her card was at first concern, cause like I said being in Science she should be use to paying attention to detail. Next came confusion...cause she wants too be a dog*
Lastly we were in denial, we had all sorts of explanations for her erratic behaviour. There were many excuses thrown around the table. Ultimately we came to the conclusion that she's really excited for the holiday season, she wants a dog and she loves her brother.
Poor girl...
We love her...we really do. But how do you buy a Christmas card, read it...and then give it as a Birthday card. She meant well...
We do love her, she makes us laugh! It has become quite the tradition these cards in our family. They use to work on them together and have Paul and I dying with laughter as they maliciously animated the once beautiful card. They are getting really good at it...making these cards more personal and less Hallmark'ish.
Well my friends, I hope you are all well. Until tomorrow good night and god bless~


  1. Crissy!! you guys are amazing so blessed that you guys are apart of out lives

  2. Oh my I laughed so hard. She is so funny. I loved the card.

  3. Bahahaha!!! Best blog yet. Kailey you are awesome! I'm dying laughing. Never a dull moment at your house. xo
