Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Oils and cupcakes~

Oh my goodness friends I am so behind on blogging and I am so sorry~~
Please don't loose faith in me, keep checking in once in awhile to see if I have uploaded.
Last Friday..Yes last Friday Paul and I went to a our friends place for an Oil party. Sounds weird I know, but its basically natural oils for everyday living. I had no idea how much oils can change your health, home and happiness.
It amazes me how much you an incorporate these oils into your life. I was worried Paul wouldn't understand the significance of these oils, but as the party went on he actually started to understand and even picked an oil sample that could help with stress and energy at work.
Naturally Sue and Jeff put on quite the meal, Shishkabob's galore, and boy were they delicious.

VeggieKabob's below...soooo good~

DoTerra information pamphlets

Paul trying to help out the host with her computer slides. Sadly he couldn't get it working, didn't matter however it was still a great show.

I can't brag enough about these cupcakes. Sue is a wonderful baker, she is a professional cake maker~
But these cupcakes were so amazing...she incorporated Lavender and Orange oils. She is so clever, I didn't know you could cook with the oils as well.

Some of the DoTerra oils

Saturday morning relaxing~
It was lovely to get out, and even better to be at a party where the husbands are invited. I am going to try to get caught up from this past week. Be patient with me :)
Unitl tomorrow friends, good night and god bless~

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