Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Got the babies groomed today, look how cute they are ;)

I absolutely love grooming days. The pups don't necessarily like groom day, but I do~
The go in that van so scruffy, but come out sparkling. I asked Marta to do a Mohawk on Ollie today, I see little dogs with Mohawks all the time. She was happy to do that, and I had some blue dye for dogs so I had her add some. So adorable~
Look at him, he's just so handsome!

Naturally I had to have some fun with this look. I don't really buy as many outfits for my pups anymore. They really don't enjoy them as much as I do. Of course I still buy sweaters and jackets, the little dogs with hair do need to be warm. They get cold very easy so you do need to keep them warm. So instead of the shirts and dresses, I have moved to tie, bows and collars..and the babies seem much happier with that.

I have searched high and low for the best collars and ties I could find for a good price. I actually found a wonderful lady who makes them right around the corner from me. Her company is called LickeyPaws, and her name is Sharon. If you are in our area,or from Cambridge please feel free to search her out. She does have a facebook page and btw for any American readers, she does take orders and ships to the States. Take a look at what she has available, its quite the selection. She has actually tweeked a certain collar style for me so that Ella's hair doesn't get caught in it. She's fantastic, you will be pleasantly surprised with her workmanship. I am having so much fun with the things I have ordered.
There is my gorgeous son, and my pretty baby Ella. Like I had mentioned earlier I love grooming day. Just look at how fresh she sweet. Marta does a wonderful job, thank you~
Well my friends, I am off too bed. My summer is fantastic, I couldn't be happier but I am crazy busy with life right now. Hoping it slows down soon...I am missing my blogging. So until tomorrow my lovelies, good night and god bless~


  1. They look beautiful. I didn't notice the blue dye in the pic on Instagram. Lol. I love it. He's rockin that look. Great pic of Ella and Braden!!

  2. love the pics, they look so cute
