Monday, June 29, 2015

Strawberry Jam on a Rainy Saturday Afternoon~

This past Saturday was one of the rainiest days I've seen in a long time. So what do you do on a rainy day? You make homemade strawberry jam. Well at least that's what I did. I just followed the no cook freezer jam recipe on the Pectin box.
I took some pictures of jam making adventures.
First off you have to wash the jam jars. Soapy warm water works great, if you make cooked jam you are suppose to sterilize the jars first. But no cook jam you just have to wash the jars

My beautiful strawberries.

You obviously have to wash and take off the stem, then you have to mash the strawberries until you get 2 cups.

Then you add 4 cups of white sugar, mix it well and let stand for 10 minutes.

While the strawberry and sugar mixture set, you can cook the Pectin.
3/4 cup of water in a sauce pan, add the crystles (pectin) Bring to a boil for one minute, stirring constantly.

Mix into your strawberries and stir for 3 minutes.

Jar your jam, let stand sealed for 24 hours. Then enjoy~

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