There is so much that I would love to dive into regarding this topic, but I think i'll keep it simple. Cause really when listening to your intuition there's nothing complex about it.
Ever notice how animals can sense something that's about to happen, birds can sense a storm or dogs can tell when his human is coming down the street on his way home from work. All living creatures have a six sense. Humans are the only one's that don't tune into it as commonly as some of the other species might. We tend to let the things around us blur our sense. We are visual creatures, and unfortunately we get distracted by the many things that are going on around us.
One of the most common mistakes we make especially as women is being too "friendly" to others. We raise our daughters to be nice to everyone, smile be pleasant..don't want anyone thinking you're a b**ch.
Unfortunately that can get us into some trouble, being too nice can cloud our gut instinct. Don't ever feel that its more important to smile and be "friendly" if your very first thought about a situation makes your stomach flip or the hairs on your arms raise.
Listen to those clues, that's your body's way of telling you this is not a good idea.
Apply this to everyday living Kailey, whether its when meeting a new person. Or deciding on a job prospect. Deciding which way to take to work, whether to run the yellow light or stop abruptly cause your body immediately puts the thought in your head. Listen to your body, and don't ever feel bad for making a decision that may hurt another...because in the end it may save you from a world of hurt. When you are unsure of a situation, person or place...and you have nothing to say. Be still....listen to your body. Listen to the quiet cause it will speak volumes.
I am actually very proud of you, since a small child you have proven to me that you have acquired this skill. You have always been guarded, cautious and wary of the world around you. You can sense when something doesn't sit well with you, and thankfully you are not too concern with how others feel about your choices.
But remember this as you enter into university, professions, relationships and adult life things will get complicated. People are going to come and go, jobs will change and so may your relationships. Never apologize for making a decision based on your feelings, on your gut intuition.
It's not about hurting people's feelings, its about taking care of your safety and happiness.
Take with you this...words from mommy,
Live Big Sweets...But Keep Your World Small~
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