Wednesday, April 29, 2015

!00 Things I want to Teach My Daughter..#96 Real life is always better than online~

Real life is always better than online~

I don't think I can stress this enough, and I know you know that! Thankfully you have never been one to put your life on social media and try to make it look more impressive than it already is. I am grateful for that....thank you for knowing better.
I hope and pray that you continue on your journey with this continued confident self respect. I know you understand that those who continuously put their lives on line through social media are doing so for attention. I do not mean those who use instagram or the occasional facebook update, that's expected in todays generation. Honestly there is nothing wrong with that. Its normal and healthy to use those outlets. My concern is related to those who chat for hours online, online gaming and any addictions related to life online.

Please promise to never find yourself in a relationship where your love interest is addicted to anything online. My precious girl you will never come first if you settle for someone like that. Playing online games is not the same as someone addicted to them. Those who don't follow through with promises, jobs, relationship agreements and goals due to their online enslavement.
You will never be able to compete with the electronic brain, especially if he doesn't have a mind of his own.
Social consequences are a very real part of gaming addiction. Addicted gamers spend so much time playing that their personal relationships get neglected and sometimes disappear altogether.  The strain on a relationship is draining, its not worth it.
Now lets look at the other side of the internet. There are so many good things that have come out of google. The internet has made our world somewhat smaller, because you can look up anything and find out so much about what ever it is you are interested in. I mean, lets say you want to check out a National Park in British Columbia. It takes 2 seconds to do a search and find out so much about it.
Just remember Kailey, there is nothing better than seeing those things for yourself. NEVER rely on the internet and google search to bring you the information you are seeking. Travel the world, see it yourself. Promise me you will not shorthand yourself with the convenience of mass information at the tip of your fingers.
Just so that I don't get any hate mail regarding those who use social media, online games or the internet as a relaxing tool to unwind from a long day. I want to make it clear that unwinding online after a long day of work is a lot different from missing work because of an online addiction. I for one am the first to get caught up on Youtube catching up on my Youtubers.
Pinterest is another obsession in my life. My dear Kailey let me leave you with this, live your best life. Always be up for adventure, take pictures and explore this world...its a gift. Keep Social media at a safe arm's length, especially when you become a wife and mother. I do firmly believe parents these days have it a lot harder, we all have a form of addiction when it comes to Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and all the other vises we have to battle daily. Take me seriously when I say to not document your whole life and share it online. Keep some parts of your life guarded, because I promise you do not want regrets. Once you upload something to the internet you know its there forever. Forever is a very long time darling~
Well chummies,  there's not much more to say...this is my opinion, and my advice to share with my daughter.
With that said, until tomorrow good night and god bless~

1 comment:

  1. Well said Chrissy! I look back when we were their age and what a huge difference social media can make. Everyone has become so addicted to social media, a bit scarey I think! Video games as well. I do hope kids these days grow up and can break away from it! Kailey will make the right choices! She has been raised by 2 amazing parents! She has an amazing life ahead of her!
