Well its a big thing these days....Prom proposals. I truly don't remember them being around when Braden went to his prom, but today its something the boys are doing. I think its pretty cool, and I think it makes wonderful memories for teenagers. Back in the day, long before internet and social media something like this wouldn't have even been discussed. No one would have put this type of expectation on a young man. His job would be to just show up...and if you're lucky maybe..just maybe you'd get a corsage out of him. Times are changing, and I think its fantastic. We could look at it as...its not a big deal, its kinda cute..some girls won't care either way whether or not they recieve a prom proposal. Thats fine too...trust me, if anyone knows me the last thing I can't handle is someone putting unrealistic expectations on me...why would I do that too someone else. I choose to look at it as a "change in times" or having young men these days put an 'effort' into something that a teenage girl would love to experience.
In past decades we have spent so much time preparing our daughters to become wives and mothers, and really have only taught our son's the importance of making a living, and providing for his family. Where in any of that have we taught them about communication or "how to be romantic?" Ok, not to be mistaken...I am not saying we need to teach our teenage son's how to be romantic per say...but we should try to encourage them to be aware of a girls wants and needs.
We have left out some pretty valuable life lessons, one being how to communicate with a girl. I just really believe some topics were taboo and like I had said a man's job was to provide. I think maybe alot of the old school "bringing flowers home' to your wife because she has dinner ready when you get home has flown the coop. Which don't get me wrong is a good thing, i'd rather a pay check over flowers any day. But like i said probably meaning "Chivarly is dead" and i think we need to bring some of that back. Also vise versa, the ladies need to understand the men as well, when a young man pulls of a Prom proposal you darn well better show him how appreciative you are of his efforts, because I can guarantee that young man was probably terrified. Well maybe not terrified but at least totally out of his comfort zone. My point of this topic is simple to state how something like Prom proposing is a great indicator of male/female communication. The young man who is suiting up for this moment is learning so much about "being a man"...or maybe more how his actions are making the young lady feel. As far as the girl or boy recieving the proposal its important that they acknowledge their friends/partner's/boyfriends efforts. Give them the satisfaction that they did a great job..that you are thrilled with their creative attempt to ask you to prom. Those my friends are the lessons in life that you will carry into future romantically linked endeavors. Its a give and take, its about making the other individual feel good about their actions. Two of the most important lessons in a relationship is communication and validation. In my opinion, something as simple as a prom proposal offers both...and thats a really great thing for todays generation.
Sometimes we as mothers and fathers just don't prepare young men for the real world of relationships..they pretty much struggle their way through just hoping they get it right.
I certainly don't mean giving them 'lessons" in romance, I just mean we need to model our own behaviour around relationships so they may just pick up a few healthy lessons.
Having newer 'traditions' such as Prom proposals really gives young men the chance to be creative, put some thought into their actions. Maybe even just for a moment "thinking like a girl'...and guess what?, there is nothing wrong with that. Imagine already having that kind of experience and knowledge going into an adult relationship...communtication, talking and arranging for something to make his date feel happy is one huge step for man kind ;)
Some young men don't get talks with their parents, but with todays technology ie Pinterest, they have so much information right there in front of them. I found a few really cute, simple examples of some prom proposals that I thought were great...so I thought i would share them with you~
I mean living in Canada this idea just seems fitting...cute right?

I love this pizza idea, and any pizza shop would do this for you if you asked. Love this...and even a better idea would be to make it yourself..
The roses and prom card is ideal...simple, but oh so sweet~

I know these are baseballs...technically they could be anything, i just liked this idea. Any boy who shows up with homemade cupcakes is a winner in my eyes!

The above baseball with a ring engraved is darling, but i guess its something more suited for a couple. The ring would be an ideal keepsake, you'd never forget your Prom.
This idea is great...especially if your friend/partner plays baseball, either the girl or the guy. Or if you just occassional go out and throw a ball around...i liked it, seems fitting for a teenage guy to do.

Not sure why i liked this idea so much...i just love the fish, its cute. The little poem is perfect, its not too elaborate but alot of thought went into it and once again the fish is a nice reminder of your special evening together.
I also love this idea..below, going out to dinner and having the restaurant prepare this for you. Great idea, so thoughtful and creative.

Who doesn't love Starbucks? cute right?
This "wings" idea is awesome, what girl doesn't like wings? Well unless she's a vegetarian..maybe check that out first ;)

Absolutely LOVE this adorable idea, so simple but sweet~

This keychain idea is probably a favorite, its just so practical. I mean as you leave your final year of highschool and embark on your future's I am sure you will have a key of your very own. Whether its for your dorm room or apartment or your very own car...maybe just a house key for when you come home to visit from University. Regardless what a wonderful keepsake....something any girl/boy would keep forever~

Just to clear something up..I want to make it clear that the last thing I want you to take away with you from this blog post is that it is vitally important or expected of you prom date to do a Prom proposal. I do not even believe its that important to go with a date...that is NOT what prom is about. If you by chance have a signficant other who did not come up with an extremely clever prom proposal...thats ok too! You know, sometimes its the quieter, shy boys who may not always make a puplic display of affection towards you or prom but they may certainly know how to make you feel on a date. Those guys...they are the keepers. Those are the ones where YOU need to use your words..lol and tell them what you want, or more importantly what you would like from them. So just because your date didn't prom propose..it doesn't mean his feeling about bringing you are any less. If by chance you are going alone or with some friends...then good for you, becasue those times spent with just the girls or just the boys...those moments are important and unforgettable as well.
Bottom line, make some memories with those who you just spent 4 years spending time with. These are the people who know you best, they have seen you at your worst, picked you up in times of sadness and have laughed with you in times of drunken stupor's. Just remember to enjoy your night, stay safe...and dance like no one's watching~
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