Friday, July 12, 2013

Thursdays thoughts and Rambliings..

Sorry my friends that this post is late..we had an exciting evening last night and then I tired quickly and didn't bother logging in to post. We found a wondering puppy last night, he was the cutest little guy. It was hard to believe the owners were not out screaming thier silly heads off with this guy missing, I know if it were me and one of my pups went missing I would loose my mind. We had him for the evening, we walked the neighbour hood, and let those who were outside know where we lived so they could keep their eyes open for anyone looking for their dog. Luckily at around 9:30pm we got a knock on the door and a frantic father was standing there hoping we had his dog. We happily returned Zeus to his owners...and made it clear that lil'Zeus was not microchipped he had no collar or identification on and that is so important especially with these little dogs. They are hard to find when they go missing cause they are so tiny, and hard to see in bushes, behind cars and around fences. We did call the Dog Rescue people, they came and checked him for a microchip, they would have taken him but I had a hard time letting him go. I opted to keep him until his family contacted the pound or came looking for him. He was a cutie, but having him here made me realize that I am not ready for another little dog. I do think we would need to get a puppy and not an older one because poor Ollie was so out of sorts..HE hated Zeus and wanted him gone. Not only Ollie, but poor Maggie was furious...we definately would have to get a puppy so that Ollie still felt like he was boss..and a puppy would grow up with Maggie and not find her strange. Oh well, I am happy everything worked poor Ollie was just a mess~

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