Thursday, June 13, 2013
Thursday's Thoughts...Ramblings of a wife and mother of 2 crazy teens.
Lets dedicate Thursdays to more useless ramblings...I'm still investigating other blogs and trying to come up with ideas. I have to admit I am getting bored of the things that i use to blog I kinda want to leave Tuesdays as my day of venting or shall I say discussing things related to the past, present and future of raising a child/young adult with a physial disability and medical issues. I have so much to say about the last 19 years...but i'm sure to you it gets boring after awhile. Not to sure what to do with Thursdays...maybe I'll just leave it completely open to whatever it is I feel like writing about. I know one thing for sure...I have to get my own domain going, because once I start getting deep into my life, I don;t want someone out there to take my words and make them their's.
Another small issue is the idea of writing about my children and their lives today, I have to respect their privacy....i don't want to write about things going on in their lives unless of course I have permission. Braden is a bit more open to the idea...where as Kailey is more reserved, and rightfully so.
Speaking of respecting their privacy...I have to admit I am pretty happy that during my times of suffering, pain and anguish almost 20 years ago there was no place like facebook,twitter and instagram to share my thoughts and feelings everyday.
I find in todays world parents jump on social media and talk about their children{s} lives, pain and situations. Post status about their health, their appts, their strengths and weaknesses. What happens when they grow up and realize everyone knows their buisness? When they realize that the most unimportant people know things about them that they wish would have remained private. I'm not sure how Braden would react to that today, if I would have shared all his pain, his proceedure's, his personal medical information years back....I really think he'd feel slightly violated, i'm sure that he'd feel a bit out of control because i took that choice from him. Even today before I post anything...I get permission.
With that....I am so happy we didn't have social media at that time, and I gently warn anyone who uses it as an outlet to be careful, choose your statuses wisely. Post happy things that will make your friends smile, and you will be sure to know that your children will not grow up questioning your choices regarding their privacy.
You may be wondering where all this is coming from, but its been building up for years...i've sat silent mostly because I have had too, and was the right thing to do. With social media being so prelevant in our lives today..I read things on facebook about people's lives..I follow the Cambridge Support page for Kayla B. and the importance of organ donation. There are so many conversations that take place at our dinner table regarding these things we see and read on facebook, it then occurred to me..I can't even imagine the things said around some families tables when I had my car accident.
If I would have had a social outlet like facebook i'm worried that out of anger, fear or frustration I would have posted statuses around those things, and I truly believe I would have regretted it. I would have fueled the fire for conversations being had in families that I didn't really know. Statuses get misunderstood and taken out of context, how would that have been fair to Braden and/or my family.
This being the point i am trying to make....
I know there are MANY misconceptions out there regarding my many people are misinformed...even most family don't have all the facts, with that said...THANK GOD!
I couldn't imagine back then focusing on "what people know", "What people think" or even caring about those things. I didn't have the time to worry about those things...if you wanted to know how things were going, you had to be the one to call and find out.
During those times I couldn't even fathom jumping on a facebook/twitter account and "updating" anyone on what was happening in my life. I am SO thankfull that we didn't have that option...thankful that still today our life during tragedy is still private. Its OUR story, eventually the truth will be told, hopefully through my book...and all misconceptions will be cleared up.
I guess there is a time in life when you feel its right to "open"up and share your story. For those of you who care...I will be happy to share that with you, because I can share with clarity.
Through the years I have heard many people discuss our buisness with myself or others and for what I have heard....MOST everything is misinterpreted. There is NO one who knows everything about our lives, and unless you heard it directly from myself or Paul, then please are probably misinformed.
I am also not new to the fact that sometimes facebook/twitter and instagram are amazing outlets to keep people connected. Anyone who knows me is well aware that I am the first to hop on facebook and share a picture or a story around my family life. I LOVE FACEBOOK, and sometimes on a really really crappy day there is nothing better than posting that and recieveing all the love from friends and family...I for one have been affected by that. Lets not forget the importance of sharing big events on social media and then basking in all the wonderful comments left by those who care...once again, I for one have experienced that. I love that my family/friends can take part in big events and see picture of the things I am most proud of.
My point with this post is...
"I am so thankful I did not have any social media outlets back when I was living through my own personal tragedy. I would be afraid of the things I may have posted and then regretted. I am thankful that I waited to share information about my son...until he gave me the permission too."
I believe in times of fear and/or anguish we also reach out to social media, we share things that we may regret one day..and once it is out cannot be removed. That my friend is why I am happy WE didn't have these outlets, be careful what you post/tweet or instagram its not just your life you are sharing, its your childs..and they should have a right to choose.
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