This saying is something I plan on eventually printing and framing for myself and for each of my kids. I think this is a VERY important life message that I would like my family to always remember.
This is a lesson in life that took me a little to learn...seriously, i am a very passionate person especially when it comes to my family. I have said things that I regret to many people..mostly those who have challenged me with my choices around my children.
Lets take a look at the gates discussed in this quote...
Gate one..Is it true? This is vital, unless you know the words you are about to speak are true, maybe you should rethink your thoughts.
Gate two..Is it necessary, this is one that is very important to me. There have been many times I have wanted to say something to someone, but then re-evaluating my words...I realize that my words may be hurtful or may not even have the effect I would want on that person.I mean really think about it...if you say what you want too will it really make you feel better or the other person to feel worse? Doesn't matter how loudly or strongly you voice YOUR opinion..if the other party doesn't want to hear it, they won't appreciate it.
Gate three...Is it Kind, this is probably the most important to teach your children. It kinda goes with parenting. If you say something "negative" or "correcting" to your child, husband or family member...its important to follow it with something positive. I have tried very hard to practice this one, even though I may voice my concern and it may come across unkind or negative...if I truly feel its a necessary to say.,.I try to follow it with a positive kind comment.
Well friends, I am out. I have had one hell of a week...including today. What a mood I was in earlier..everything seemed to be going wrong. Thankfully things turned a corner..and once again I have resumed to my happy place.
Good night my friends and god bless~
You are absolutely right with all 3 of these. It starts at home with parenting our kids. I know with mine, they say something negative to one another, it doesn't fly in my house, they are corrected and an apology goes with it, don't care how old they are, they are family! Those 3 words are so important. when I was younger, I never said much wanted to stay away from drama, always wanted to do the right thing, now I still want to do the right thing but I won`t keep quiet, if I feel things are wrong, I will let you know! Hang in there, I know it was a hard week and I am glad things are getting back to normal, love this blog!