Hoping everyone had a great weekend! Mine was very nice, reading a new book which is having a bit of an impact on my mood lately. It's called "i'll see you again", by Jackie Hance. Wonderfully written book, about a mother and father who loose their three little daughters in a horrific car accident, the girls were coming home from a camping trip with their aunt. The family was unaware at the time that their lives would be changed forever when the aunt was found to be driving drunk going the wrong way on a highway. Eight people tragically killed due to this woman's mental state.
I am still doing sort of research on others who write books based on their own lives. Its amazing how much I can relate to some of this mothers grief. I mean...I am NOT comparing my situation to her's in any way. I am not taking away from her story or her pain and suffering, but I am stating that some of her feelings, situations and coping mechanisms are familiar to myself. Some of the emotions she feels are real to me...the feelings between her and her husband are relatable to myself and Paul. Its a great book, one that should be read with respect. I hope to heal further in my journey as she did through writing. Well my friends, I am out..until tomorrow good night & god bless~
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