Well lovelies, i haven't forgotten about you! I had my nephew Ethan last week and took some time off from blog world to enjoy his company. The week prior to that was crazy as well. There is so much changing in my life right now..i don't even know where to start. All great things..the kids are done school, both of which did amazing!! Braden graduated highschool..*hasn't even sunk in yet* and is officially registered as a college student this fall. Can you believe that? Just a side note..we all as parents feel complete pride when our children accomplish such things in life, its huge! Its life changing and exciting all in one.
That night we walked back to the Ronald McDonald House holding hands, still through tears and heartache we made a pact that would forever change our life destination. We decided come hell or highwater..our son would life the life he was born to live. It may be a differently lived life, but nonetheless...it'd be a productive one!
I truly believe it was through these days that Paul and I bonded. We didn't really have much opportunity to talk about our life at the time, we were too busy living it. A secret that i've kept for a very long time is i never really wanted to talk about things with Paul too much because I didn't want to feel the pain that he was feeling..my own pain was killing me!
However without words shared between us, we certainly learned to communicate in other ways, I remember a doctor or therapist coming into Braden's hospital room and leaving us with their words of wisdom or some advice that if taken seriously would have destroyed us on the spot. Paul and I learned eventully how to speak to eachother with body language and eye contact. They could say all they wanted about Braden's recovery or his future...Paul and I only grew stronger through their thoughts and feelings regarding a bleak future for Braden. We knew with all our strength and belief our son would be just fine! He'd never accept anything less then a challenge in his life, he'd have all he ever wanted..including highschool, college and career which would bring him nothing but happiness..everything that we all strive for. His easy life style that the doctor's were oh so happy about, considering his settlement...would be hidden from him for a very long time. We chose to hide from Braden his financial security and raise him as a child who new one day he'd have to have a career, income and hopefully support a family..just like everyother successful man out there.
Having Braden enroll in college this past spring brings a sence of accomplishment to Paul and I, after all these years of putting our time, energy, attention and determination into Braden..its paid off! We got him to a place where we had only dreamed he'd go..and the beautiful thing about all this..is that he did it on his own!
Our son is on his way to a future we were told would never happen...he'd never go to college, he'd never hold down a job.".and why worry about it?" they said, "he has financial support for the rest of his life". Our answer to that.."It's not the money that will bring him the feeling of accomplishment, pride and self-worth, its having the chance to grow and florish into someone who has lived out their own dreams. Its the road travelled and the experiences during the journey that will bring him a sence of self -love and satisfaction.
Braden has worked so hard over these years, its taken him a bit longer to get through highschool..we have seen many many tears shed due to his tired days, sick days, angry days and insecure days. We've also seen many happy days too..it hasn't all been bad. He was the first to be accomadated as an orthopedic student into a regular classroom, he sailed through regular gym class with friends, he participated in school plays and met some fantastic people along the way. WOW looking back at all those school days its overwhelming, i'm so glad they are done!
Braden you have accomplished more than most people I know and you did it against so many odds. YOU are destined for greatness and I am relieved to know that someday..you will be a happily married man who will NOT only provide for your family, but you'll do so with principle and pride. You are on your way to an exciting future..and i'm so happy to be a part of it~
With all this said..all our hard work is paying off and Paul and I are finally a place where we can sit back and enjoy our own accomplishments as parents, friends and lovers.
These coming years, i am hoping will be alot less stressful and way more relaxing..i must say with the purchase of our cottage we are certainly on our way~

Wow that picture certainly brings back memories. You and Paul were hit with something we all hope we never would have to deal with in our life time at such a young age. But you did it together. You made sure Braden was always pushed and you knew he would get better and you believed that. Now look at where he is today. He is done high school and now college, Way to go Braden you have beaten the odds. You have turned out to be an amazing young adult. I adore you, your strength, courage, humor. I am so glad you guys choose to raise him like any other kid to the best you could. Help shape him who he is today. Money doesn't always mean anything. He has turned out better because of your choices. Both you and Paul are amazing people to get where you are today! I admire your stregnth, courage and love for each other. You have a great future a head of all of you, A new chapter begins. A good chapter. you deserve your cottage a place to go and relax and make memories, good memories. This is your and Paul's time to live your life together now that the kids are growing up. You did an amazing job and worked so hard to get to where you are today! I love you all. I know I am lucky to have you all in my life! Braden and kaliey are amazing kids. They will go far in life.