This weekend Paul and I went to the movies...yes..again! We saw that movie The Vow, with Channing tatum and Rachel McAdams. This was another amazing movie based on true life events and how those events can change the course of one's life. My daughter Kailey saw it on Friday night with friends and when I asked her how she liked it she said that it wasn't what she expected. She was slightly disappointed, that surprised me as it looked soo good in the commercials. I asked her what she was disappointed in and she said that the couple argued a lot and that he actually didn't make her fall in love again with him. Paul and I decided we'd still check it out anyways because she's kinda youngtounderstand how a tragedy would really infoldin real life....there certainly isn't any romance Iin that!
I fell in love with in the first line of this movie when Channing Tatum's character says " it's defining moments in our life that changes who we are." I knew from that moment, we were going to love this movie! Kailey was right, it wasn't what she had expected, but for Paul and I it made perfect sense. You know what I loved about the movie? I loved that it stayed true to reality. That in fact after any accidents, there is healing and then adjusting..and with adjusting there comes fighting! If being together is whatnyou want then let me tell you my friends there will be a lot of fighting. We liked the movie, probably because we could relate to many things.
What actually made me think after watching this movie was the idea of writing vows for your wedding. I mean typically during this time we are so young and inexperienced in life and love that technically we have no idea what we are even writing about. Sure we know that we love our significant other and our plan is love them forever and love until death do us part. We all start out with those intentions when we are getting married, hopes and dreams of a happy life together forever. Unfortunately when we are starting out so young...we truly have no clue what this all means. The hardships of life, the unexpected journies that we don't expect...we don't write bows about those moments do we? I wonder if this is why our divorce rates are so high?! Going into a marriage we have no idea what we are in for and if I were to write vow's for today they would be completely different the when i wrote them 19 years ago. I had no idea what marriage would hold for me, what business did i have writing vow's about something I knew nothing about. Even today when I go to weddings I patiently wait for the vow's to be read. I always wish nothing but the beat for the new young married couple and always hope that their marriage is blessed with much loved happiness. The thing is however...how do they plan on coping if their marriage is hit with an unexpected event? Will they have the strength t over come their obstacles?
I know that Kailey and her friends were hoping for a romantic movie, sadly though in circumstances like these...as much as we want the romance,there are at least 7 other stages of grief that we have to overcome, making it through all that first is what brings the romance. Then you and your spouse have a history together, a history that cannot be erased. There is nothing more sexy or romantic then having a history with one man...a man who has seen you at your worst, at your most vulnerable. Romance happens when after 23 years of marriage you can drive home from a movie on a cold snowy winter night, and he still looks at you like it's your first date...true romance happens when you choose to for a moment...throw history out the window! Love you Sparkee!!
I have been wanting to see this move, been so busy with the kitchen lol, almost there. I thought it looked how Kailey thought it would be, then started seeing other comercials with arguing and so on and so forth, so I think it will be a good movie in the fact you are right, they stay true to reality. Looking forward to seeing it, thanks for your opinion on it.