i Know nothing about it really, but I do know that many many families bond over Superbowl. Its a great time to spend time together with one another, cheering and having a good time. Don't forget all the yummy snacks that go with it!! We had a nice evening..we had some family time~
I also made some VERY Good Mini-Apple Pies tongiht, oh my goodness they were so good!! I will share some pictures with you, and just kinda run through the steps to make them. They were fairly easy but ALOT of work, and sadly...as I was removing them from the oven, I dropped the muffin tin. Oh I was devastated, the family came running to my rescue. They could tell that I was just beside myself so hubby cleaned the mess in my kitchen and I tried to save a few of them. I did manage to get a few, which we all enjoyed..but sadly I lost 8...OH what a night :(
You need about 8 cups of chopped apples
You chop the apples into 1/2 inch pieces, and you add...12 tablespoons of flour,4 heaping teaspoons of cinnamon and 1/4-1/2 tsp of nutmeg and 1 1/2cup of white sugar.
You mix it up really well making sure all the apples are coated.
I used Pilsbury Pie crust and just used a cup to punch out the round dough muffin tarts. After I had dropped my mini apple pies I have to admit I was soooo happy that i didn't make my own tart shells..all that work to have been ruined would have thrown me off completely. *Smiles
Finished product..they were so good!!
You cook at 400 degree's for 15-20 mins, plus add a small stick of butter to each tart. Just about 1/2 inch in length and 1/4 inch in width. Then you can add some of the left over crust and make some designs on top of the tarts. Brush with melted butter..
Here are a few of the ones lost, such a sad moment...thank god my family was so wonderful and caring. Of course...they teased me..ALOT!!
Well Zeta's, thats it! Hope you all had a great weekend, our's was wonderful!
Good night and god bless~
Oh my those looks very good. To bad you dropped them :( I am sure you didnèt live it down lol. I know mine would and does the same thing sigh! LOL