YOu know, as I am trying to figure out the best "new and improved" layout for this blog..I am also trying to figure out what topics I should be "spewing" my god forsaken opinion about. I am linked in with ALOT of other bloggers who either are struggling with a child who has a severe disability or someone who is simply raising a child with a mild, not so severe special need. Not that I would ever be the judge of that for someone else, it just seems that there is definatley a spectrum out there which defines the "severity" of what our child is living with. I sit here and read and read and read some of these lives that many parents are living. Some who swear up and down that having a child with Down Syndrome or Cerebral Palsy is the best thing that has ever happened to them. That they are living a life they never expected to live however would not change a thing..they are madly and deeply in love with everything they have going on their lives. You know what...strangely..I believe them. I also read blogs about parents who CANNOT believe this is what their lives have become. They are angry, bitter and unable to accept the sudden change for the course of their lives. You know what...I believe them too. It just seems that they are living the extremes. I'm not too sure how "healthy" this is. Either there blogs are filled with kind, loving words for everyone and everything. OR their words are filled with anger, frustration and defeat. Honestly, I kinda get sick of reading them...i'm honestly waiting for each end of the spectrum to get "real". Both ends need to show (write) all feelings, I'm sure there are moments of happiness, love and acheivment for those who fight daily with the outside world. Share that! AND I know for a fact that those living the "perfect" life with a child who has special needs, they too have days where the world sucks and they don't want to get out of bed. Guess what? Its ok to share that!
I suppose a few years ago when I was living in a world completly engulfed by my son's "special needs" I too probably didn't feel too much like "getting real". Especially with those who didn't understand our life. Looking back know..knowing what I know now, its safe to say..its good to be real! It's ok to have good days and bad days..its healthier.
So, while deciding on topics for this blog once again...i'm struggling to decide whether i'll write about my days raising a physcially challenged son, which will include the good the bad and the ugly.
Also, while reading some of these other blogs..which by the way I do love, I find it difficult to have common interests with them. They are all going on about their childs g-tubes, neurological appts, traches, treatments and schooling. Sooo much has changed for us here in this house. Don't get me wrong..we are still a very busy household, BUT..know that he's an adult alot of his life has changed. He no longer is in school (he's finishing up credits on line)which was totally his choice. His therapy is no longer based on what the "therapists" want, its solely based on his goals, and medically he's been VERY stable. My life..i can say has become kinda.."boring". There seems to be no more fighting for his rights, wants or needs. His doctor's are all in an adult clinic which means they see him less frequently and he is learning to take care of himself. All this includes less input from mom and dad. He know's whats important, what needs to be done! I'm sure however this time next year..my life will once again be "in an up roar" with the prospect of Braden heading of to college. It is gonna get very busy, very soon with looking into college's, housing, nursing staff..etc etc..
So for know, i'll sit back and EMBRACE STILL..
I'll just blog about it all!!
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