So since I focused so much on Kailey in the last blog, this one will be about Braden. Keep in mind my kids HATE when I write about them, so I do have to respect them and their wishes. My blogs about them will be short and sweet but to the point. So, when Braden was in highschool I have to say he was miserable. The last two years of his highschool career was horrible. It was so bad, I have NEVER seen my kid that unhappy. It wasn't the social aspect of highschool..god know's he did great there, it was the support from the "special ed" program that was absolutely terrible. I shouldn't even say support, I can't even count on my fingers the amount of times I had to go in to explain something over and over again to them.
Honestly, i think they had limited experience with "Special needs" kids and kinda just lumped them all under the same umbrella and kept them there.
Most of you know i could a book about this topic, special needs kids and the school board. I won't go into that topic because that's a whole lot of typing.
In grade 11 we had decided to let Braden take spare's...badically he understood that with taking spare's he'd be taking longer to graduate highschool. I loved the fact that he had some spares but worried that once grade 12 hit, he'd hate being in that school. Especially once his friends all started to graduate and go off to college and university.
Needless to say, we were right...once his friends left that highschool he hated it..basically he out grew it. He didn't feel like he belonged there any more. We respected that and he asked if he could finish highschool online?! I was terrified!! I opposed the idea at first, and kinda felt that maybe doing school from home would make him lazy?! i figured he just wouldn't do it...he would be pre-occupied by everything else going on at home. Not only those concerns arose, but I was also worried that i wouldn't have any more control over his education. That really scared me!
It took alot for me to accept this idea of Braden being schooled at home, however always in the back of my mind I couldn't stand the thought of him going in that school everyday and being soooo unhappy. He was so unhappy with his educational assistance and just didn't feel like he would be able to deal with the way they treated him. Bottom line, he out grew them.
So, we took a leap of faith and Braden started two online courses from our hotel room in Ottawa, AND i had NO say in any of it.
He did it all on his own, I can't even begin to describe the feeling of relief that began to settle in quickly once i could see how he could handle this online education. IT WAS BY FAR THE BEST THING WE EVER DID and that my friends is the honest to god truth! I must admit, the boy was right. This online course thing has been the best thing for him. It gives him the time to wake up in the morning on his own time, take his time getting ready, choosing his clothes, personal care and all those things that use to have to be done within an hour in order to get out the door, which somedays caused ALOT Of stress. Today he is a clear headed, rested, happy young man who has a goal set in mind and is taking all the right steps to get there. Since quitting going to school daily Braden has become healthier, happier and he's building muscle and self confidence. I'm very happy to hear about his progress. I will admit in the beginning once we got home from Ottawa i sort of thought maybe things were to easy for him. But then he showed me his marks online and we chatted about his goals for going to college and I feel better. He's really growing up, there has been alot of changes lately that Paul and I are seeing in him and we LOVE it! He seems much happier, he enjoys family get togethers and he still loves being with his friends.
I didn't see this one coming...honestly..the thought of Braden being right humbled me and made me realize that he is growing up and I need to respect him of that. He starts his second 2 courses in the next two weeks and then he is finished, DONE highschool. Then we start looking at all the options for college...that is when once again, my life will be busy..things will be changing!
Good night my friends, and god bless~
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