So, i have officially made Sundays the day that we will discuss families, and all the wonderful things about them. Yesterday we spent the day together as a family, we went shopping, shopping and more shopping. It was great! Then we brought dinner home and had a lovely dinner together...then hubby and I went on a date and saw a VERY late movie! It was a great day...we use to do this sooo much when the kids were little, long before ringette took up our lives and the kids got social lives.
Kailey was sick most of the holidays this was sad for her..I will have to admit though that (not so) secretly..I loved her being home. What a nice break from having her there and every where. We had many nights curling up in front of our screen and watching a movie, with a nice cup of tea or hot chocolate.

We didn't really leave our home at all. We originally had some plans with friends to try some skiing, but that didn't happen due to illness. I didn't mind...like i've said before, after having such a busy fall driving back and fourth to Ottawa it was nice just chillin and relaxing with my family.
I really need to come up with some topics..I don't want to spend my time blogging about my family all the time..I will work on that for next week.
One thing that maybe i'll touch on is social media and how much it drives me CRAZY!! Sounds ridiculous as i am putting my life on the world wide web.
What I mean is how it effects our teenage generation.

I absolutely hate how these kids tell EVERYTHING about their day, where they are, who they are with and what they are doing! They facebook, BBM, tweet and god knows what else. They use these social media outlets to publish their feelings, their thoughts and even in some cases to bully or hurt someone. Its ridiculous. I hate it! Our generation of teens..back in the 80's, seemed to have a few good friends who they spent the weekend with having sleepovers and simple, fun get togethers. NO one needed to know all that buisness, it was intimate and NO one cared what you did on the weekend or who you were with. This generation seems to have such a feeling of entitlment. I really wish I could change a few things with my teens. I would LOVE to get rid of Twitter here...I know my daughter has an acct., and I think its dangerous. A friend of mine works with men who assult and abuse women, sex offenders and she even works with the women who allow this behaviour. She just told me that the worse type of social media is twitter. That is someone is following your teen..they can totally find within minutes where you child is. Seriously...how scary is that? My friend recommend that we turn off any GPS system our daughter might have on her cell phone, apprently they can be tracked by that too...kinda makes sense.
When I think about it, this christmas the cell phone was put away for most of it and Kail seemed so much more relaxed and NOT at all interested in what others were doing. Maybe just hopefully she'll keep that phone turned off more frequently and not want to check what everyone is doing or feel like she needs to broadcast where she is or what she is doing. We did have alot of talks about it...hope it lasts!
I am sure I will touch on this topic again sometime, its a pretty important one. I will leave you with my final thought..
These kids might use their social media outlets to share information with one another..however I will teach my teens to NOT share their feelings or emotions over all those places...they will learn to use their words with others. Put the damn phone down and tell someone too their face how you feel, whether good or bad, happy or sad..emotions are important. Validating someones feelings is vital to our society, relationships and ourselves. What would our world be like if everyone lost the ability to talk face to face. Or solve their problems with only one person involoved NOT the other 100-1000 BBM/facebook and tweet friends. I really wish our children would stop trying to solve their problems through social media. Talk to one another...its how we did it in the old days..*wink wink*
Unitl tomorrow Zeta's, Have a great day!
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