So, off to sleep we go...all is well..the next morning Braden announces he'd like to leave his bed right where it is! Immediatley I was concerned about this as it wasn't practical really...the bed needed to go between the windows to make room for other furniture. I huffed and puffed for few minutes until he explained to me how he has NEVER been able to lie in bed and look out a window. He stated actually that he has always wanted to have access to his bedroom window but his bed was never close enough and obviously he couldn't ever get out of bed to look out his window himself. do you argue with that? He said that he loved having his bed there..that when it was hard to fall asleep he had the option to pull the curtain over and peek outside, where he had a clear shot of the moon, stars and the neighbours windows..which he admitted was kinda creepy, still funny!! The bed will stay where it is...he likes it there!
Something so trivial or much rather something that WE would take for granted daily..meant so much to him! You know that old saying.."its the small things that make us happy?"...yes well..this is a wonderful example of just that!!
I wanted to share this little story with you because this is a small example of why I love my life! Seriously..who can get that much happiness out of being able to look out your bedroom window in the middle of the night?? All these new found enjoyments in Braden's life is always felt in my heart.
Have you heard of these "cake in mug" yet? I just came across them through pinterst and thought i just had to try them. Here is a picture that was posted via pinterest...
Sweet and salty caramel cake..

Doesn`t this look amazing??
Here is the recipe for this most delish cake in a mug...
What you’ll need: {makes 1 mug cake}
4 tablespoons all purpose flour
4 tablespoons sugar
3 tablespoons unsweetened cocoa powder
1/4 teaspoon baking powder
1/4 teaspoon salt
1 egg – beaten
3 tablespoons skim milk
1 tablespoon vegetable oil
2 salted caramels
What to do:
1. Into a small bowl add: flour, sugar, cocoa, baking powder, salt, egg, milk, and vegetable oil. Mix to combine.
2. Pour mixture into a regular sized coffee mug. Drop caramels into center of mixture one at a time.
3. Microwave on high for one minute and 30 seconds. If needed {if cake batter is still gooey}, microwave on high for up to an additional 30 seconds
Ok, so naturally I HAD to try these I did, and here is a picture of my attempt..
As you can wasn't too bad. I would honestly recommend doing something like this maybe on a smaller scale? If you have company coming? Maybe using smaller mugs...taste testing sizes that you can buy at Pier One..or maybe the Dollar Store? I would also serve with some vanilla ice cream, maybe a sprinkle of icing sugar or chocolate sauce? Maybe both? Anyways..this dessert would make a great conversation piece at your next dinner party and it can be made right there and then..pre-make the batter first and then microwave later when needed.
Well my Zeta's..I'm outta here. Its been a long day..
Until tomorrow...
Good night and god bless lovelies~
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