Good evening friends...I kinda feel like we are on the final countdown with travelling to Ottawa. 5 weeks left, maybe 6 depends on how soon the snow flies?? Things are going well, I have to admit though the book writing isn't going well at all. I just don't feel like doing it right now, the desire is GONE. I'm not sure why? I have been coming to terms a few things that happened when times were hard, and maybe its time to write them. Braden and I have talked about them and we have come to terms with a few issues, (not related to the car accident) but it's not going to be easy to write about these things and admit them. Anyways..even though i'm not writing the book, i'm still thinking about it all the time, every day. AS I am thinking about it, i'm also figuring out a format for the book. It might not be on paper or typed on a screen but its in my head, where its safe! Well the boy turned 18years old and is know an adult. He still has lots going on and working on finishing highschool and preparing for college. I thought I had him convinced to go into criminology...but just last night he informed us that he still LOVES media and would like to work in that. He is interested in music..which he has always been. So we chatted about him someday being involved with music and movies..maybe having his own studio in his home? Once again, like I said in previous posts..so much is changing do to his age and his accessiblity to his insurance claim. We have had a few wonderful conversations with Braden about responsibility etc etc, he is extremely overwhelmed with all his new information but I am SO proud with the job Paul and I did while raising him. Our biggest goal was to raise him to be smart with his future, be a hard worker and never take anything for granted. His chosen words these past few days have proven us successful. I just said to Braden today that after all these years of being a mother of a special needs child and not knowing what the future will hold for Braden or us..I must say..I finally see light at the end of the tunnel..and the light is bright! I'm not going to devulge into any information on this post about Kailey...things are going strong and stable. She's fumbling forward through her teenage years. She's active in her highschool, she loves field hockey and reg hockey. Her coach told Paul that she will be in the starting line next season for field hockey, which encouraged Kailey even further. Ringette is still going on...not something I want to talk about in public. Overall, everything is going well for her. We are doing some travelling this winter and I know she's excited about that. We are preparing her about keeping her grades up and ontop of things in school. I've struggled this year with how much social life we allow her to have. It seems every weekend there is something going on..and because of last years ringette schedule I feel bad about how much time she missed with her highschool friends. We are working on it, trying to fair and practical. I'm considering dropping my facebook again and blogging everyday. I just spend too much time on facebook, and if I didn't have it...I would blog more :)
Decisions decisions...well i'm outta here! Fighting a headache tonight. Made a really good dinner this evening and will post about it soon. Take care my friends, good night and god bless~
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