Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Post 14 → A hero that has let you down.

There have been numerous people who have let me down in life. A hero?? Not sure I really have a "superhero" type person in my life. I mean...everyone is human and everyone makes mistakes. My brother is one who has let me down incrediably. He ha chosen a different life path that doesn't include our family and I think that has been the biggest let down in my life. He lives a life that we do not agree with, and if he were allowed to live his life his way and still be a part of would literally destroy us! We have tried many things to bring him back to us, to help him and guide him. Get him the help that he needs to fight the addictions he has. He just doesn't seem to think HE has a problem, and he also doesn't realize how much he has hurt our family in the process.
My brother was a person who stood by me during some of the most difficult times, he was a solid shoulder to lean on and he was always extremely protective of me. He was closest thing I had to a "hero"..he was so reliable. Unfortunately he let other things get the best of him, he's sad, and disappointing!
I miss him....ALOT!

1 comment:

  1. I can relate to the same feelings with my older brother! Our brothers have a lot in come, so sad their addition after all these years still out weigh their families! Sad, but until they realize they have a problem nothing we can do!
