Well there has been a couple that I have needed to let go of! One for sure was a girl that I met through one of Paul's work friends. Things started out normal with our friendship, I very much enjoyed her company and friendship. As time went on however things became a little crazy! She started calling me ALL the time...you might think "ooh big deal" but let me tell you..I Have NEVER been available to chat with anyone for an extended amount of time! Do you have any idea what its like to be a care provider to a child with extreme physical needs? Seriously...never did I get a chance to sit and chat on a phone..still today, I don't "talk" on the phone! Actually just as I sat down to write this blog my boy came out to ask me to do something "personal" for him...NO TIME friends when i'm on the clock!
So, this friend just couldn't seem to understand that she doesn't come first in my life...and I honestly beleive she struggled with that! She was a single white female, living independantly working in a home for mentally disabled women. All she had to worry about in her life was what she was going to make for dinner! We had different lives and different expectations for this friendship...it was eventually going to end!
Secondly, she started to keep track of what I was doing...who I was with, where I was going..etc etc. I felt like I needed to justify my actions to her! What grabbed my attention and ultimately ended our friendship was when she question why I was seeing another friend (who happens to live 20 mins from me and IS my best friend) and not her! I remember the scenerio clearly...I was in my 3 semester of school and having to work in a co-op placement full time as well as take care of my family. We were so stressed in school...and my mom had realized that I needed a night out! My mom organized a movie night with me, her and my best friend, and after that night I was asked to go to a fundraiser to help a classmate raise money for sick kids hospital as her younger brother had just passed away. This fundraiser was about an hour away from my town, and I had to get up the next morning at 5:30am to start work/co-op for 6:30 am at the hospital. Even though I new I would be exhausted, it was important for me to support that friend. I headed out that night and sadly could only stay for 2 hours...but I made sure I supported the event.
Well apparently this friend was keeping track of my news feed on facebook and was apparently upset that I have been spending time with others and not her!
Anyone who knows me, knows this would have sent me into a frenzy! I will not EVER justify myself to anyone...no one is my keeper! It didn't take me long to send her an email telling her how disappointed I was in her and I didn't appreciate her questioning my social life. Just for the record though...my mom was concerned about my mental state because of school, tests, co-op and keeping things afloat at home. So, she insisted that I go out to a movie with her and Candy..it was "me" time, otherwise I probably wouldn't have gone out with anyone! She then re-questioned me and argued with me about not being honest about seeing other friends....OH BOY!!
DELETE! that is exactly what I did to her on facebook, email and cell phione! Ok this was not the only reason why I let her go, there were many other reason's that I started to notice and didn't appreciate. I never felt bad about my decision and actually had some releif when she was gone! It was one less thing I had to worry about in my life!
There have been a couple others who I have let go...not as dramatically, I would have to say that was the worse!
I remember that time like it was yesterday! She was a stalker, and when you get someone who knows your everyone move, thats scarey! I am glad you made the choice to let her go, you didnt need the added stress in your life it was full enough! Unfortunately as we get older some people in our life need to be left behind, just the way it is! Its a hard thing to do! I am your knew stalker now LOL so look out! I am glad I have been one of those people who have been lucky enough to stay in your life and be a part of it! 34 years is a long time to be good friends and I cherish everyday and am thankful to have found a great friend as you! Any be a part of an amazing family like yours! Love you with all my heart!