Tonight my boy had a role in his class production of Cinderfella. He took a drama course this term just to try something different. With his thoughts of going into film and media production he thought it would be cool to try some acting. He claims that he doesn't LOVE acting but he has had alot of fun helping with the production. He was also in charge of publicity for the play. I must say...they all did one hell of a job!! The actor's were soooo good...and quite funny too. They did a fabulous job, they were loud enough, they knew their lines, they had great facial expressions and the props were well done. It was a fun evening and there were alot of parents who showed up to watch this evening.
On a different note, I had a great conversation with a friend last night about how fast kids grow up. We were discussing the fact that Braden doesn't want to come on a family holiday this summer and how that impacts the shift in family roles. It's great that we are heading into a different stage of life, it is VERY hard for me to accept and I know its because I have been soooo hands on as a mom, especially with Braden. It's NOT that I don't want them to grow up, I am not delusional enough to think they should stay young forever and I am loving this time alone with Paul. We've worked very hard through the years to provide lots of family time with our kids. We have taken many many trips, we have had weekends away, we have done family nights, movie nights and we've even had days that we've called into school and work sick just to spend time together. It was my number one priority while the kids were little...LOTS of time together!! Even when Paul and I were not seeing eye to eye at points in our marriage (which happens to be 18 years on Sunday ~Happy Anniversary LOVER~) we still focused on spending time with our children. We ALWAYS put them first. We did manage to tend to eachother's needs as well...although I will admit that got better as we got older, we were so young back in the early 90's...21 years old is young too have a 1 year old son paralyzed from the neck down. After my accident we fully focused on giving our children the best quality of life possible, you know what?? WE DID!!
That's why its so distressing for me to not have Braden included in our family vacation. I know nothing different...its all I know, its all I live for! Do you get my drift? DO you see the shift in our family happening? I am thrilled to have this time in life with my husband, and to think we are still young enough to enjoy eachother...I mean we still have Kailey around for sometime, thank goodness! I LOVE the idea of having time with her alone on this holiday! She will be spoiled, get lots of attention (not that she suffer's from lack of attention) and LOTS of love!! Its like we are a "normal family", and I am happy {elated} about that! Paul and I have worked very hard over the years to teach Braden to be independant and self-efficient, learn to solve his own problems and how to survive on his own when the circumstances/environment is not "just so". I truly never thought I'd have the chance to leave my 17 year old son(almost 18) at home with a friend for a week....its mind blowing to me. I will admit, the thought of getting out of bed during our holidays, making a tea/coffee and sneaking out side to sit on the porch looking out at the ocean without any expectations is sounding pretty pleasing!! However...I know...my heart will be slightly broken with the one piece that will be missing during those two weeks :'(
While my heart breaks just a little, I know it will be worth it to see the smile from ear to ear on the boy who I love more that life itself!
Last weekend when I was at a girls night, one mom brought her 8 month old son. She was having a good time, but she was kept busy with the demands of the little one. I remembered back to those days...not often did I bring my babies to girls nights. I guess I spent enough time with them everyday that leaving them for an evening was ok with me! I always made sure that I had "me" time. Anyways while Colleen and I were "Goo Goo'ing " over this stunningly cute little baby boy...the mom smile's and asks us "Do you have children?" Colleen and I both answer "yes, but they are much older now", the young mom while holding her little one so lovingly and proudly smiles at us and asks "Do you miss it, having little ones?"....
For the first time EVER I answered honestly..."NO, I don't" HA.
I shocked myself...but I truly am happy in this new stage of life,and I couldn't even hide that!
Colleen answer honestly as well..although she didn't use words!! She just laughed!! ALOT!!
Well friends, I know that i've focused alot lately on the fact that my kids are growing up and blah blah blah...but its what's changing, and it's my blog, so i'll do what I want!! *Wink Wink*
Good night and god bless~
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