What is it about holidays that make you so excited? For me, it's the idea of getting away from the daily routine of life. When the kids were little I loved the school year, weekends we kept busy with activities and lots of family time it was so wonderful back then. In todays world, fast forward 10 years and I find the school year simply "a big pain in my ass". Seriously, it's just so darn busy. On top of it being busy with appointments, activities, social lives of een's..etc, you still have to micro manage the kids..and at time's their friends. I never would have envisioned our lives to be this crazy. So the thing about summer holidays..is we get away from the usual routine of homework, social engagements, sports and for the most part doctor appointments and therapy sessions. I absolutely love not having a bed time during the summer, I love being able to spend a Tuesday night up late because the kids feel like watching a scary movie and not worry about being up in time for school. Don't get me wrong, summer is busy too..just not the usual busy and thats really nice.
Recently Paul and I had the priviledge to go away on a holiday with two great friends. We managed to get away to Cozumel, Mexico with close friends Sue and Jeff.
I wish I could tell you in detail the amount of work it takes for us to prepare inorder to just "pick up" and leave our home. It makes me laugh hysterically just thinking about the things I had to get done the week before we hopped on that plane. The tiny insignificant details that will completely shatter a day for our son if they are not taken care of is overwhelming. Obviously many of them are personal, and due to respecting his privacy I will not devuldge into specific's. The week before we found ourselves buying supplies (right down to pressure sore medication), rearranging appointments, figuring out school hours so the nurse (JIll) would know which days he had to be at school for 8:15 or 9:30, shower schedules, van filled with gas, food allowence, Kailey's schedule for sports sorted out, drives to and from needed, doctor's phoned so they knew we were out of Canada incase of emergency, equipment (lift) pick up orgqanized, hosted a ringette party that week, rules set in stone for teen's, dog routine wrote out, feeding schedule for dogs...the list goes on and on. MY household is not an easy one to run, but we were prepared! I chuckled at my mom because she commented on how busy we are and she didn't even realize that ringette was over the week before, otherwise she would have been out the door 4-5 nights during the 8 days they were here!
WE were however blessed with the most wonderful nurse/friend who has entered our life! Jill was truly a gift...we hired her in September. She and Braden have a most excellent relationship. I will admit that during this whole process of hiring a nurse, I was so nervous. I wasn't completely sure it was what would work for our family. I hated the idea of letting someone else do the care that Braden needed. We have always done the personal care or attendant care. Any nurse that we had prior to Jill over the years was strickly for medical reason's.
I have to say...Jill could not have been a better match for Braden and our family. She is fabulous for Braden and she has made that step into "adulthood" for Braden that much easier. Having Jill has also allowed me to step back and realize that Braden is going to be just fine, I have seen first hand how capable Braden is at self directing his own care. Jill has been very understanding and accommadating to us as a family. Its funny how they say "things happen for a reason" I couldn't believe that any more than I do now. Having Jill literally allowed Paul and I to leave Canada and enjoy a holiday without worry or hesitation! We will always be thankful and appreciative for Jill's commitment to Braden and my parents that week. Without her help and support, our week in paradise would have not been as "carefree" as it was. With heartfelt thanks Jill...we really do recognize what you have done for our family and we feel so blessed~
With all that said, I do need to thank my parents with all our hearts. They have always and continue to be the strongest support we have! My mom was not in charge this time of Braden's care...that was a huge step for all. My mom and dad both have been "hands on" since day one, and I'm sure that letting go of Braden being young probably hit home hard. Both my parents did a smash up job while we were away and I wasn't concerned at all!! Paul and I both had the most relaxing,fun-filled adventurous time with our friends. Its's amazing itsn't it how quickly the tan fade's when your back in our wonderful Canadian climate. I will share with you some of our photo's we took during our holiday!
A picture of our accommadations...they look like huts, but inside they are very nice! Certainly not luxourious in anyway but all your needs are met and the area is quiet and relaxing. Our rooms were also very close to the beach and pool...at first I wasn't sure if I'd like this type of room but within a few hours it didn't matter anymore...I was too chillin' to even care!! The beds were comfortable, I could still make a cup of tea, fridge was stocked daily...well, poor Paul complained 3 days in a row about no beer getting to our room. ON the fourth day they brought him a 6 pack, by then he was too rattled to drink them!! I was happy though, always fresh water and pop left!
We loved this hammock, so relaxing. It was fun to get up every morning and sit outside together with a coffee/tea and listen to hear if Sue and Jeff were up yet! They were just below us!!
I am only going to post a few pictures of us as couples...they all turned out so nice, but i'll pic a couple of the nicest ones!
Hubby and I at the restaurant having dinner
Sue and Jeffy at the dinner table too...we had some many laughs during meals, lots of great conversations went down during those hours, some happy, some silly, some serious but mostly happy ones! A few jokes made about one another...thats too be expected!
We had some downtown fun, this night in particular we did some shopping and had dinner downtown Cozumel. It was absolutely beautiful, there was a parade going on in celebration of a soccar game that Mexico had won against Cuba, it was big noise!! Lots of car horn's, loud music and screaming that night! Paul and Jeff of course found a hot Mayan momma and had to play/fondle it!! Too funny!
We had a couple parrets that just lounged around our hotel. This is Pepe, he was so tame..always waiting in the foyer, loving anyone to sit down and pet his chest! So cute!
Hubby and I again, out for a fancy dinner!
My snorkel set, I was disappointed with myself this time round! I just couldn't get my shit together and focus on snorkelling. I panicked out there in the open water, not sure why? Could have been because it was pretty wavey, my mask also felt too big...i just couldn't do it! Jeff felt the same, he faired a little better than me. He ventured out a little further but then swollowed some water and felt ill...he followedmy lead and came aboard. We just watched the fish around the boat, the boat also had a glass floor so we could still see what the others were. Jeff enjoyed a beer and we patiently waited for our spouces. The day was so beautiful, I was just content to sit on the boat and soak up the sun, smell the sea water and relax.
Beach time, we had lots of sun soaking...some of our best times spent under a palm tree!
Mayan ruins...we rented a jeep for a day and scoped the island. We stopped off at different points and just enjoyed what the island could offer. We found a bar called Bob Marleys, a small little spot were you could purchase a coconut and add a alcohol beverage to it..yum! We also stopped at an crocodilly spot and a beautiful area that had a lighthouse and more ruins. The best spot was a restaurant called Cocconuts...the food was amazing, the drinks were fabulous!! It was a great day...definatley something we will do again!
Paul getting us coconuts with Pina Colada's...so good!! Sue and Jeff also enjoyed one in the heat of the day. Such a laid back kinda day...we need more of them! Sue bought a hat from a nearby vendor, she got a good price, and was happy with her purchase. Jeff decided that his hat needed a string attatched so that while driving it wouldn't blow off his head...well the poor bar staff worked for about 15 minutes trying to attatch this string for Jeff. Jeff pulls out a few dollars, hands it over along with a big smile and some thank you's...not even 5 minutes into our drive, Jeff decides he hates the string and rips it out...*sigh* he thought it "looked" gay?? LOL
We also enjoyed a pirate ship cruise that was filled with entertainment and ALOT of alcohol. Basically it was a booze cruise. The pirates entertained us with a few skits, some which included the observers that were on deck.
CHeck out the picture below with Susan and Pirate Sparky. THey were sharing an intimate moment, he was trying to occupy her while taking her jewlery...you know as pirates do?? He is consumed by Sue here...check out he look they are sharing!!
I will leave you with one last photo, this is hubby and I loving life...it could not have been any better than this. The mood was right, music was awesome the entertainment was hilarious and the company was perfect! There is just to much to share, I only picked a couple pictures...this blog could go on and on but I will cut it short. Overall our week away was remarkable, all went well at home and in Mexico. We hope to get away again soon...bu this time we'll be taking the kids!
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