Tuesday, December 28, 2010
With Thanks and Love....
Well here we are my friends...coming to the year end! There is only a couple more days that I NEED to be blogging and then its over!
My thoughts...First off....the most important thing on my mind is to thank every single one of you that read, commented, encouraged and supported my year goal of blogging. I appreciate the time each of you took to log in and come to Chrissy's life blog to read the silly ramblings that I entertained you with daily. I know that life is busy, everyone works and has families so with that said..the fact that YOU took time out of your life to read and support my goal means so much to me! I have learned ALOT this year about myself, my family and my friends. From this journey a part of me has changed, and I look forward to continuously growing and healing with the next chapter in my life.
So, with love I thank you for all you have done to push me through the tough blogs, the angry blogs and the personal blogs, I honestly could not have done it without each of you!
Candy~ Thanks so much for your commments and encouragment through this experience. Our friendship has been one of the longest relationships that I have, and i know your heart shares the same feelings as mine. I love and respect our friendship and I look forward to our future and what it brings. Your words of love and comfort were always admired and forever remembered!
Michelle~ Although you did not have the chance to comment, you need to know that our car rides, coffee's and phone calls were all that kept me going during the times that I wanted to give up. You always had the right words to further inspire me and you always made me feel right about my choices of topics and my feelings within them. Your friendship is and continues to be refreshing...and I need a friend like that! Thank you for your support, it means the world to me!
Shelley~ Even though you live so far away, I cherish the emails that we have shared over the course of this year! You have also been a huge part of my desire and determination to follow through with what I started last January. You have also given me strength through your support, especially when the blog posts have been that of "heartwrenching" to write. We have a bond of motherhood, and I am very much enjoying the friendship that we share while watching our boys grow up into adulthood. I couldn't ask for a better shoulder to lean on...even if its all the way in Calgary.
Spencer~ I am not sure if you are still reading this blog...but I still want you to know that for being a young man..you are a very wise one! You have also mangaed to show optimism and at times counselling when I haven't been at my best, and for that I thank you!
Ed~ It has been a pleasure having you share in my life through this blog. I have loved reading your comments, most of them had a comical tune to them which I of course have admired! You always brought a smile to my face! I am looking forward to the future and having you and Aunt Donna a part of it! Much love to you both...
Uncle Wayne~ I know that you read my blog and that you love my recipes and for that I am not going to delete this blog and I will continue to use it for my quick and easy recipes as well as the occassional "out burst" whether it be a good one or a bad one! Thank you uncle wayne for your support! I love you!!
Mom & dad~ as always thank you for your unconditional love, enlightment, and constant urging to fullfill my every dream. You both were wonderful with bringing to my attention all things in my life that I am blessed with. I am forever grateful and I love you both with my heart and soul.
Paul~ Thank you for first off...always giving me the space and time to blog. There were many nights when things needed to be done and I would ask if I could blog rather than do the chore at hand. He handled everything without ever complaining. You didn't always read my blog, and even though I was frustrated at that...I appreciate the time you did spend reading it and being the sounding board for topics that hurt my heart! You have always been my rock, and I love you for letting me scream, yell, cry and laugh with you some nights...when it hurt! My heart belongs to you...I love you!
I know that there are many many more who read this and I hate like hell to not mention everyone by name. The ones who I did mention however are the ones who continuously supported and commented through this experience. So for that I feel they deserve a mention, because they have taken the time to make this a most inspirational time in my life! I am encouraged and I will take on the dreaded task of re-living a time in my life that hurts my body to the core. It is going to be one of the hardest times in my life, trying to write this book and I only pray that physically I do not become ill. When a person sits to write about an experience that has ultimately changed their life, had hurt them like no one should ever feel hurt...it is painful and it will be exhausting. But...I am ready and thanks to all of you I am up for the work, for the challenge and up for the healing.
The picture above is a christmas ornament that Shelley (from Calgary) sent me through the christmas holidays to give me support and to tell me that I did a great job this year! It was one of the nicest things anyone has ever done for me! The meaning behind this little snoopy is huge, from here I am taking this little ornament and turning it into a book mark. A reminder to work hard, never give and to believe anything is possible!
Just look at that little snoopy...he is working pretty hard on a project that is important to him! It means alot Shelley.....>strong>thank you
All in all my friends, its been a blast! This did become more of a battle near the end of this year, but I will keep it going...just not every day and only when I feel like it!!
I am off friends...good night and god bless~
Our friendship is one of the longest and important ones I have. You will always be in my heart, thoughts and I will always support you in any way I can. You inspire me, ecourage me to be better and I thank you for that. You my friend have been through a lot in our journey in life so far and I am so proud and respect the choices that you have made. You never gave up hope and you always made it through what was thrown at you and your amazing family who I love and adore. This book is going to be one of the hardest things you have done, but you have lots of people to lean on for support, I will always be there to help you get through this part of your life. I think it will truley help you heal when you finally write your book! Words can not truley express our friendship/sisterhood. I am looking forward to the new year and many more to share with you and your family! Your blog was amazing and I am lucky I was apart of it. You are a rock for me and I truley look up to you and what you have done in your life. Love you lots.