Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Knock Knock, who's there?...
Today I visited a young lady who I use to mentor back when she was a pregnant teenager. Today she is a mom of a 4 year old who has been adopted by a family in the region. I would like to say that I think they are a good family, but unfortunately alot of truth came out lately about this "christian" couple and it has changed my opinion of them. I won't get into that...but let me just say this couple is no longer together and currently have 2 new children from other partners! All that within the 4 years they adopted my little friends baby.
So, 2 years ago this friend of my delievered another baby boy but she managed to keep this one. It's been a struggle for her...lately her priorities have not been in order and today I could definatley see that.
I went to her home and was very disappointed to see the shape of her apartment. It was filthy, there was no food and absolutely no toys for this little boy. I was really upset. The place wreaked of smoke, there was cat hair everywhere and dirt everywhere my eyes landed. I have never really had an issue with her before, this behaviour is new...my heart went out to this little boy. Some things were said...some that were concerning. After my visit I have decided that I am going to get a little more involved, keep a closer eye on this little guys environment. I won't disclose much info. about my visit but just trust my judgement with what I saw and heard today...there is a fine line of what is safe and what is not. What I heard today about her life choices and her boyfriends lack of support financially, and the fact that he seems to be stealing from her, smoking, drinking and doing drugs...I will become a constant knock on their door! Family and children's services are involved and I asked her what her plan was going to be if the baby was taken from her. She said that the adoptive mother of her first son is going to take him until she can get him back. I am actually a bit uncomfortable with that, I haven't said anything yet because I do agree that the two brothers would be better together. The problem that I have is I do not believe this other mom has my young friend in her best interest. I think she wants to get her hands on this little boy too...for all the wrong reasons. I am not sure my young friend would even get her son back if this other women gets him in her custody. As long as this young lady has the support and education needed to raise her son, she would do a great job. I have no doubt about that, the system needs to put some support into her home. She does need to be taught many things, like keeping a clean home, reading to her son, age appropriate toys, childhood milestones that he should be reaching..all these needs that are not being met. I am not even sure if he getting nutritious food? I will become involved, I think its time I make myself present. I told her today that I'd like to take him once in awhile..just to spend some time with him, maybe i can make a difference even if its a small one!
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