Worst blogger EVER! Yep, that would be me!
I did not *sigh* make Monday's Menu for dinner tonight!
I keep making all these promises and not following through with them! Wow what is wrong with me? and to top it off...I have really nothing to say tonight!
I had a massage, talked to a friend on the phone for a few minutes today...shared some laughs, decided in the near future to rent "The Kids are Fine", ate some Nibs, ate 1/2 a Snickers bar, decided I wanted a King size bed, took Kail to the dentist, was saucy to Paul over a BBM message, had a conversation with my son about his new girlfriend, got suckered into buying my daughter new pants tonight, cleaned my bathroom sink, had a visit with mom for 15 min.,washed the dog beds at the laundry mat, thought about YOU today, laughed at my husbands green track pants in the kitchen this evening, yelled at Ollie then kissed him to death because I felt guilty, encourgaged Kail, tormented Braden at breakfast...its been a busy day, my job is done! Time for bed, good night and god bless.
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