When you hear stories like this as a women it takes away your sence of security, it makes you look over your shoulder more, and listen to your instincts. Those aren't necessarily bad things I guess...but I must admit I am thinking of putting Kailey into some for of self defence class! Probably not a bad idea regardless.
Kinda of on a side note...just thinking, I really hope that both my children continue to have dogs in their families as they grow and become adults. There is certainly a sence of safety knowing I have two big yellow dogs sleeping at our front door. They know when someone is close, they hear everything and they always respond to something they are unsure of! I will never regret having dogs in my life.
Another story recently that has slightly jolted my security is that of the little 4 year old girl who was found road side in a ditch semi-conscious. It is believed that this young girl was taken from an arena in Woodsville Ont and possibly sexually assulted. Police are now saying that the little girl was in a hit and run and her injuries were sustained from that. However they are still looking into a possible sexual assult. Apparently a male took this little girl from the bathroom in the arena, when she left her parents to go to the bathroom.
Police continue to investigate and are reminding the public to be aware of their personal safety and that of their children at all times.
"You can never be too cautious with kids in a public setting," Boileau said.
As most of you know, I am a very cynical person. It is not necessarily a good thing. I am cautious, suspicious but aware of people, places and things. I have always been that way, even as a child I rarely ever found myself in situations that I was not in control of..haha go figure!! If I was uncomfortable, I got out of what ever situation I was in. I hope both my children have a sence about them that makes them question everything they see or do, never be unaware of you surroundings and always listen to you instincts.
Well, basically things in Ontario have sucked. I believe the overall mood amoungst society is pretty upsetting right now. We sit back, listen and show thanks that its not us going through the trauma. On a personal note, that is one of my biggest pet peeves. Sitting back and thinking "thankfully its not me", it won't happen to me! Whatever you do in life my friends...never take it for granted, life I mean...it can happen to you, ask the families of the women who lost their lives to that monster. No one is immune to bad things...however thankfully tonight my friends we can sleep in comfort and peace!
So I wasn't going to do Wednesday's Reflection but I already had the pictures scanned and thought what the heck...
Tonight's pictures are from a trip that Paul and I took Cozumel, Mexico in 2005. It was one of the best trips that we have ever taken alone together. Both Paul and I are big fans of Mexico and we have been plenty times with the kids and without them. This trip was different. We did so much, the best time we ever had alone together was renting a jeep and driving around the island of Cozumel. It was so fun, and romantic too. We didn't care what time it was, we didn't pay attention to routines, schedules, deadlines, kids or anything else for that matter. We just drove...we would pull over to the side of the road, hop out of the jeep and snorkel in the reef's. It was truly beautiful. We stopped at two restaurant's on our way through and the first one was called "Bob Marley's". It was a bit questionable as the cooked everything on an open flame on the beach and didn't really have any washrooms for customers. They played Bob Marley music and other regae tunes which certainly set the mood for island tour. The food ended up being fabulous, the drinks were refreshing and everyone was so happy, outgoing and easy to talk too! It was a great experience.
The second restaurant was a bit more regulated. They had washrooms, waiters and menu's...it also had the most amazing scenery I have ever seen.
The picture below is the long road travelled around the island, check out the colours in this picture...isn't it beautiful!

On our travels we came accross this sign, I thought it was kinda cute...yes I did get out to look for turtles, nothing was there! I was disappointed!

One of our snorkle spots...the water was amazing! We eventually found out that some spots that we loved were actually being saved as a "natural" area where no one was allowed to go near. They were saving the reef's from pollutions..haha! Oppps!!

Our Jeep, we lived in this thing...it was great! We had it for two days. The only regret that I have is I didn't drive standard back then...if we do it again, I'll be driving!

Paul enjoying the water in one of our snorkel spots..look at the color of the water..gorgeous!!

Me in the jeep, playing with my camera..

Bob Marley's restaurant..check out the decor..

See how open and amazing it is...right on the beach,everyone chillin and enjoying the atmosphere, it really was a great experience.

The second restaurant we found, the entrance is a little grown over. It was hard to find but worth the hike up the hills and through the forest.

More road trail that took us on an adventure...i would love to do it again someday!

Paul, sunburned...but loving our day together..god I love his snorkel..lol

I have been following it as well. I have been thinking a lot about your question about why it took so long for him to get caught, We trained him well to kill, be patient, sneaky and when you add a trainer kill with a pycho then you get him! Its a scarey thought with people like him walking around out there who are trusted and looked up to with sucj a dreadful sick secret. I believe strongly in the death penalty and think poeple like him to confess and Paul benardo shouldnt live to see another day, why are we paying to keep these guys alive? Such a dishearting way of life, those poor people he killed.
ReplyDeleteOn a happier note, I loved the pics you posted they are nice lol. That looks like an amazing place. You guys looked very happy and looks like you had a lot of fun!
Oh how I agree with you about the death penalty. First thing I thought of, when Paul and I were discussing it though Paul made a valid point. He thinks the death penalty is an easy way out! I see his point, the bastard would get to die peacefully. Apparently he wants to die anyways, lets make him suffer in a small jail cell...hopefully he doens't get med's to help him deal with anxiety while being locked up or that will defeat the purpose. I really wish in cases like this we had a real live Dexter! That would be an even score!!