I walk in her bedroom to this scene!! Really Kailey a lazyboy in your room?? LOL
We had pulled it in their on the weekend because a couple of her girlfriends spent the night. When these lazy chairs are stretched out to the fullest they are like a small bed, very comfortable. I found this picture very amusing...She looks so comfortable in that chair,she was actually doing homework and just infront of her up on the wall is a TV. She just looks so relaxed, chilling in her bedroom! It struck me funny, with the fireplace and all! I mean, its great..I won't complain because that fireplace was fairly inexpensive but adds so much heat and light to her downstairs bedroom. That was one of my biggest fears with having her in the basement, that it would be too cold or damp. Luckily that fireplace gives off amazing heat, and she says its comforting at night time especially after she's watched a scary movie! Probably the best purchase yet for that bedroom. I guess she want's a lazy boy in her room!! I can see why, looks pretty cozy in there!!
Well, with her new job...she can start to save some money!! Yep, you heard me right...I have a working girl!! She passed her course and test and is officially a referee! She has her first game in a couple weeks, I am pretty proud of her! Only 13 years old and she's already working, don't worry my friends..lol, its not alot..but just enough to get her started in the real world of making money and having some responsibilities. Way to go girl!! Dad and I are very proud of you!!
I think you lost a lazyboy LOL, she looks very cozy! Congrats kailey thats great, you guys should be proud you have 2 great and loving, amazing kids! Good luck with yor first game kailey