Ok, so I am bias..he is my baby, but honestly, the cutest puppy EVER!! Ollie in one of his costume's checking out our jack'o lantern.
These past few days have been crazy, its been a whirlwind of fun! We have had halloween parties, birthday parties, trick or treating and some good'ole fashion pub hoppin'.
We finally did it, we dressed up and went out to some pubs and had a great time. I of course was Snooki, not because I necessarily wanted to be Snooki but because we had the costume. Paul looked so sexy as a SWAT team member, and Jeff and Sue rocked the vampire couple with sexy poise. They were too cute, making sly comments back and forth with one another...undressing eachother with their bedroom eyes!
Paul taking down an suspect in our kitchen...
The four of us dressed up and heading out to rip up the town.
We went into the Groove Kitchen and it was packed! They had the best crowd, who were all up dancing and they were playing the best music. The staff approached Paul and asked him to be apart of the "Village People" up on stage to sing "YMCA". He obliged and had lots of fun with the others...he was to funny! It was a good laugh, he was a great sport!
After lasts nights festivities, today we celebrated Braden's family birthday...we surprised him with an Ipod birthday cake made by Sue herself. If she had a website, I would post it...but I don't think she does! If anyone is interested in ordering a homemade cake, I can get the information for you! The cake was fabulous and Braden was plesantly surprised!
It was a great cake, she did an amazing job! Thank you Sue, we so enjoyed it!
Nana and Papa with their grandkids!
On a side note, Ethan finally lost his two front teeth! Thats a pretty big deal for him! He is pretty excited to be growing up! Our funny face boy with no front teeth!
So after Braden's birthday party everyone got ready for trick or treating! It was a pretty exciting night. It has been along time since we have had to go out with a little one. This year me, my mom, Katie,Ethan,Kailey and Braden all went out together! The only one getting Candy was Ethan but we had so much fun walking around looking at the little ones and of couse watching Ethan run frantically from house to house. He was an Avatar and he looked so great, Ethan had the best manners I have ever heard! I am not just saying that because he is my nephew...when he would go up to a house he would happily say "Happy Halloween", and then he would say to every single person, "Thank you" have a nice night! Sometimes he would even ask.."Did I scare you?" he knew that he looked awesome! His favorite was when someone would open their front door and react to his costume with "Oh my goodness, you scared me!" He loved it! He even told someone that his mask was only plastic and don't be afraid! God, he is so adorable...I just love him so much!! He's sissy's boy!!
Check out his costume below...
Overall my friends this weekend was fantastic! Every once in awhile I need a good family fix, this weekend I got just that!
I am also very proud to say that this weekend Kailey scored her first goal of the season against Ajax, which they won 4-3 and she also assisted in two other goals. She had a great weekend too...I am off to bed, its been a blast! Good night and god bless!!
LOL miss Snooky, you guys looked great :) I loved the costumes. Sue did a great job on Braden's cake. Way cool. Of course Ollie is adorable lol you are crazy dressing him up, but have to say he looked cute! Even if you are crazy! Ethan looked great as usual lol, he is a cute kid thats for sure! Sounds like you guys had a nice famil evening, nice to have those once in awhile! We hd fun, but man I am still cold trying to warm up lol! Well I am off to tuen off all our scarey and nosiey sounds outside before my neighbours get mad! Another Halloween over with, love all of them. Have a great evening. Love you guys lots!
ReplyDeleteThanks Candy, we had a great time! Nice to get out and dress up. Halloween is my favorite time of the year, we will definately be doing this again next year!
ReplyDeleteGlad you guys had a good halloween too, you must be proud of the kids costumes, they turned out great!
Love you guys too...talk to you soon!