There's something about this picture that I love. Just thought that i would share it with you! Kailey loves these types of cars so the picture reminds me of kailey. Maybe that's why I love this one!?!

I am loving this lip gloss this summer...it is fabulous! Wonderful taste on a hot summer day, and gives you a feeling of refreshed, full and fabulous lips!

Hubby and I went shopping today, planning for New York City. I bought these sandals today...I have never been a big fan of them. But everyone raves about how comfortable they are. After convincing my man to try a pair on, he was hooked! He loved them, actually more than I did! It was so funny, he never really pays much attention to detail or names of clothing or shoes...but, with his sandals..I quote him saying..no jokes.."it's like walking on pillow's"! Yep, seriously he said that! Not only did he comment but he also starting singing to a Michael Jackson song...even hitting the high notes! Really?? Is this all it takes to make him happy?? Shit, I should have taken him out alot earlier...ever since he got these sandals, which let me remind you...He copied me!!! He has been a new man, he has a new swing to his hips and a faster beat to his step! Hopefully there will be no complaining in New York about sore feet!
Well, goodnight my friends...hope everyone is having a wonderful long weekend!!
um walking on pillows really LOL, hmmm to funny Paul! Good luck with them next week lol, he may change his mind lol!