My rock creation...can you see the heart?
Good evening my friends, tonights blog is going to be short but sweet. I am extremely tired from the events of the day...we headed to Port Elgin this morning to check a few things out and had hoped to meet up with some friends. Unfortunatly the meeting up with friends thing didn't pan out really well...but we did manage to get a few others things done. We as a family have always rented hotel rooms, or cottages with friends and family or on our own in Port Elgin. These past few years we haven't rented here because the kids have wanted to try other things for holidays. That's when we started going to NYC for summer vacations. I miss going to Port Elgin and SouthHampton though, so today was nice to look at some cottages again and meet up with some old owners. As you know, buying a cottage has been an interest for us so we managed once again to entertain that idea today. I don't think we would ever buy anything in that much as we love it up there, we still want something a bit more private, less touristie and most importantly less money! We will not settle for anything less then exactly what we want.
It was a great day, the weather didn't co-operate and at time's we spent too many minutes together in the van. We did manage to have beach french fries and hotdogs as well as beach ice cream..what could seriously be better than that! The kids had some laughs together, did some reminicing...actually at one point I heard Kailey and Braden talking about something and when I asked what they were talking about Kailey replied.."Mom..we are talking about when we were kids!"..LOL, my responce.."wow, that long ago??" It was cute, so nice to hear them laughing and talking together. They use to be so close, but I have found this past year they have grown apart..mostly due to the teenage years and the fact that they are male and female. I know that they will find themselves back to eachother time they will become best of friends and enjoy eachothers company as they once did...back when they were "kids"! I have posted some pictures from today. We did take Ollie with us, kind of some bonding time. We did the same thing when Finley was a puppy, except we took Finley away for a weekend in Turkey Point and rented a cottage...those pictures are precious! Ollie got lots of attention today, lots of walking and lots of running on the beach. He had a great day as well...
Braden and Kailey call the picture below...their grade 2 smile?!? Whatever that means? LOL..
Kailey calls this.."the hitler"??? LOL
Walkin and rollin in the rain..
A very nice lady stopped and offered to take a family picture, it turned out ok!
looks like you guys had fun, love the pics!