Tonight friends I have to propose an idea for this evening. We are going to have a buisness meeting and what I am bringing to the table tonight is a request from all that I be exempted from this evening post being a "Family Matter's" blog? So here is the proposal...
This Friday evening (right now!) I Chris M. will not write a blog about a family issue. Reason's being..
1. I am busy cleaning the house
2. I am busy preparing some food for tomorrow's festivities
3. I did not have time to prepare anything
4. Paul would like to go downstairs and watch a movie
6. I am too tired to think
7. I never signed any paper work tying me down to a contract regarding this rule
So, as of know I have a 50% vote that I don't have to sit for an hour tonight and blog about some family issue. I still need all of you to vote...I am hoping for at least an 85% from all of my friends to get me out of this mess!
All in favor of Chris not writing a long blog tonight raise your hand...*raises hand*
All opposed....*hearing crickets*
Perfect, I win....meeting adjourned! *Leaves buisness meeting*
I will return tomorrow with a wonderful family matters blog..untill then good night my friends!!
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