Look at my babies, they are so cute! It seems so long ago, these days when everything was innocent, when Santa Clause was real and everything seemed magical. Christmas eve was always and still is the most enchanting, imaginary and spiritually enlightening evening of the year. Having children brought back the meaning of christmas eve, and the excitment is still felt every year in my home. The conversations have changed over the years, the company has changed, and even some traditions are no longer the same. But one thing remains and always will and that is our family's love, devotion and desire to remain together.
This year back in 1997 was of course very exciting, I mean we had a 4 year old and a one year old...couldn't have gotten any better than that. The days when the kids went to bed at 10pm, and called out by 10:30PM to ask "Has Santa come yet dad?" We would quietly go into their bedrooms and tell them that Santa won't come until you are asleep and if you don't get to sleep he will skip our house! I remember telling Braden to listen carefully and maybe he would hear the sound of Santa's bells. Later in the night Paul and I would have a hot drink or a glass of wine, sit back, relax, chat and then get out the Santa gifts..we would have to be so quiet, hoping that we didn't wake the kids. After all was said and done, we would retire to bed and I would pray once again for another year of health and happiness...I LOVE CHRISTMAS!!
The pic is adorable lol! Christmas is my favourite time as well! All the lights and decorations, I enjoy pulling out the tree, baking and all the fun stuff that goes with it! You are right some traditions have changed with the kisd getting older, but the importants ones stay like spending the holidays with the ones you love and sharing it with them! I think those will always stay the same!