WOW...check out this oldie! LOL, we were so darn young, and so darn in love! This was actually taken 21 years ago, and it was during my grade 12 graduation. I cannot believe how young we look, and check out the dark hair. I would love to go back to my natural color, should I?
This moment in time was fabulous, I was deciding whether to return to school for another year inorder to wait until I got into college for Early CHildhood Education. Paul was in his 2nd year of college and was always so busy. I remember being so upset because I didn't get to see him much through the week due to his schooling. On weekends he usually had a shift or two which also stopped us from seeing one another. We obviously made time, things were so much easier back then..I won't say that they were better, it was just so innocent and refreshing! We had so many plans for out future. Well at this time, we were not really thinking of marriage or family, we were too young..but careers and money was on our minds because living together was a huge goal. I think I wanted to live togther more than he did. Alot of my friends were moving away to go to college, and I decided to stay in the area so that I could be with Paul. That was an issue too...my mom wanted me to experience life away from home and was hoping that I would go to London's Fanshawe College. Paul too actually wanted me to go and enjoy college life, it wasn't what I thought I wanted...I just wanted Paul. So instead of going to far away to school, I moved into a one bedroom apartment in Preston with my man, and I've been living with him ever since. HA, Paul still wishes I would have gone!! No chance baby!!
I cannot believe that Braden will be graduating next year...when did I become old enough to have a young man in grade 12? The time has gone so quickly, its time to slow down and enjoy every minute of it!! Looking back at this photo makes me realize that we've come a long way baby...this is only the beginning!!
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