Well tomorrow I will officially be starting another chapter of my life! Yes, Kailey is graduating from junior high and entering highshcool in September.
I am very excited for Kailey's friend Carrigan who was asked to be the validictorian for the graduation ceremony. I know that she will do a most wonderful job, she has the stage presence, personality,witt, and charm to pull this responsibility off without any hesitation or reluctance. She will be fabulous, and without doubt will have her fellow students, friends and parents leaving with a sense of excitment, happiness and pride.
I am very happy for Kailey who actually has a date to take her to grad. This young man from what I have heard is funny, kind and above all...respectful. I know Kailey will have alot of fun, and she is looking forward this new chapter beginning and closing the doors on the old one. I will post pics tomorrow my friends, finally I will get to brag about how gorgeous she looked!
Good night my friends...
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