He is the cutest little man ever!! Introducing the newest edition to the family.."Mac". He is not our dog, but he is my parents. My mom and dad got this dog a couple days ago and we have all fallen in love with him. He is a tea cup Yorkie, and is 4 months old. Mac is adorable, he is so snuggly, loveable and full of life.
It was nice having him around and seeing how my dogs would interact with him, they did great! I would love to get a tea cup Morkie, they are a cross between a Maltese and a Yorkie. Right now is not the best time, we have our hands full with the two dogs that we have, however with Harley aging..I do know that I would like to get one before poor Harley passes. Not that I like to think of that, you all know how much I love him! But, he is aging and Finley will be devastated when he is gone. It might be good idea to have one here before hand, it might help all of us when the time comes! So, until we get closer to that time, I will continue to enjoy the two puppies that I have and enjoy my time with Harley.
Today was a good day, my parents and Mac,Katie and Ethan all came for dinner. It was nice to see them all, again a bottle of wine was shared..dinner was wonderful Kudo's to Paul for the fabulous BBQ'ing..it was so delicious. A friend from college pinned me today asking me to go for lunch with her and another friend, unfortunately I was already busy and could not meet with them. I was thinking about nursing today, I kinda miss it :(
I think I will get into contact with one of my old teachers and get some information on flu and immunization clinics in the region. I should do some of those, I haven't given a shot in awhile, I miss that!
I have had my mind on so much lately, and I have wondered if working was something that kept my mind off of all those subjects that haunted my mind daily. The nice thing about being home right now, is that Paul is home. So, I am not alone sitting here in this big house, no one home, all alone wishing that i had a life outside of this house. When I have to talk, he is there...we make a coffee/tea, sit down and hash it out. It's so nice! Like I have said before, we have waited years to have these days together. We have both worked so hard these past 15 years, its been a blessing having this time together..it just seems so un-natural at times I think because we are workers..we are not use to spending days at home, Paul has always worked 9 to 5 jobs, and I have always been the full time stay at home mom's with so much on my plate that somedays I could have screamed!
Guess what...I still have tons on my plate, its just that my plate is only have full..Paul has the other half!
We've been talking alot lately about the future, my goodness if I don't stop worrying about it, I will end up in the psych ward.
I have always been pretty good at recognizing the importance of living one day at a time, live for the moment..not for tomorrow! But sometimes, its hard to remember and I get off track and work myself up. Again, if you worry about the future..you can't enjoy today, and I need to appreciate what is happening know because today I am blessed!
From here on in, I am not going to worry about the future and what it is going to hold, worry about it won't make it better it just adds stress and causes unjustified grief. I really need to give people needles...it's a stress reliever!!
Isn't he gorgeous..I took this picture tonight at dinner...I just think he is sooo handsome!!!
OMG he is adorable! I cant wait to hold him :). I am glad you had a nice family visit with everyone! You need that once in awhile! I know you and paul have given everything to get where you are today, you both put your time in work and also emotional work! You both deserve this time together, things may change but enjoy this right now!!! It will help you both! You dont have to justify anything, to anyone with your decisions! Its your life and you are doing it to better yourselves and your family! In a couple yrs I can see you both working again. Like you said take it one day at a time :)! I love the pic of Braden he is a handsome dude! LOL