Ok seriously, this post is going to be nothing but a bitch session and I will try to keep my bad language to a minimum, actually I will use the word "cuss" everytime I feel the need to use profanity. Kailey taught me that wonderful trick, after she watched the movie Fantastic Mr. Fox, or something like that?!
Well, when was the last time I complained or bitched about people in Braden's school? It's been awhile, so I figured maybe it's time to share another amazing story of stupidity and ignorance with you. I really don't know who all reads this blog, for all I know there are people who I am talking about today that very well could have found out about "my little piece of open-mindedness" (blog)and could be reading this, this very second! Guess what...i don't care, I hope they are!! Maybe they will learn something!
So far..i'm doing pretty good..no swearing!!
Braden has started his co-op placement at his highschool, which is going fairly well for him. He loves the filming part of it, and designing posters and tshirts for the production. On Monday Braden had to call in sick, and missed a morning of placement. His reason's were very very legitimate, and are too personal to tell..but trust me if you were going through this medical issue, you wouldn't be at work or school either! With that said, he missed a morning but worked on his editing from home so it wasn't a total waste of time. Later in the morning he recieved a text from his co-op teacher telling him that he hasn't completed an assignment and she is worried about his hours for being at co-op. I was upset, because his absence was under good reason's. I then told Braden to text her back and tell her that he was working from home and to remind her that she said what ever he does at home can be used for hours. She responded again basically saying he can NOT do that, and she was pretty ignorant about him missing a morning and again told him that he should have been there!
I then decided to give her a call to let her know that I told him to stay home and not worry that his situation was too important and co-op can wait. When I spoke to the teacher she informed me that he hadn't handed in an assignment and that on Friday she moved him from to another classroom due to distractions (friends). I was unaware of all of that, and I told her that his assignment would be finished. She then made a comment that she kinda figured he didn't come in to school because he may have been pissed off about her conversation with him on Friday?!? Seriously, do you really think I would let him stay home because a teacher gave him shit for not handing in an assignment? Come on, I am harder on him than most parents are on kids. I was slightly insulted with that..she then went on to say something about his EA (who I can no longer stand due to lack of support) and she stated that his EA could have helped him in the morning with his illness. I immediatley got my back up, because instead of his EA supporting him and explaining his medical issue's she is usually the first to knock him down and make us look like ridiculous parents.
I am not exaggerating either...over the past two years this women had turned her back on him, stabbed us in the back and has become my worst enemy! Braden should have gotten rid of her years ago, I firmly believe she does not have Braden's best interest and she criticizes our choices and most decisions. You know what bothers me the most about that?? She isn't even a f***in mother, not alone a mother of a child with special needs and who just happens to be medically fragile. You know, you would think if she really cared about him and wanted to do what was best for him...she would want to speak to us, his parents...the ones who know him best!! She did use to be great with him...and us! There was a mutual respect and we had a great relationship, I am not even sure what happened? I think she has too much work with Braden and she is lazy and doesn't want to work? Just a thought??
Anyways..once I heard the teacher mention his EA's name, I knew we were in trouble. Whether she said anything or not, unfortunately through past experiences with her, my mind immediately wants to believe that she is behind this sudden change in Braden's teacher feelings of his effort.
Braden then took full responsibilty for not doing his assignement and told her it would be finished by Thursday, however I then became worried about his hours. She did simply state pretty ubruptly that if he is not at school then he doesn't get the hours. Well most of you reading this will know how much school Braden misses due to appointments and illnesses. So, we have a problem then!! I figured I would phone his special Ed teacher and ask her to talk to his co-op teacher about making up hours if he misses school..what are his options? We need to know, because I cannot guarantee that he will always be there. His life cannot be black and white, he has alot of grey areas..and she will just have to work with what he has to offer.
I did hear her talking with Braden over the phone, she was pretty blunt with him and this intimidated him slightly. I heard her say things like "well you don't get paid Braden if your not at work" and "when my other wheelchair kid didn't go in to his placement, then he didn't get those hours". Could I be anymore pissed off, who the F**k does she think she is comparing two completely different kids who just happen to be in wheelchairs?? REALLY???
I felt Braden did ok for himself, she didn't like what he had to say, but she did tell him not to stress about the failing grade that as long as he hands in his assignment then he can bring his mark up. I really wasn't upset that she was upset with him about the unfinished assignment, because he heard it twice as bad from me! But when he cannot control certain circumstances...she will just need to be flexable, because that's the way his world works! and if you don't like get the hell out!!
Once I spoke with his special Ed facilitator, I felt better. All I said to her was that she needed to find out what Braden can do to make up hours that he may miss? She agreed and said that she would figure it out and talk to his co-op teacher. When I was out tonight, I got a phone call from his co-op teacher and she left a message. She still didn't get it, her message was funny..she referenced Braden's earlier conversation which has obviously struck a nerve with her! She sounded like she wasn't too happy that I called his sp ed teacher..and she kept bringing up his late assignment which makes me assume that she isn't really listening to me, because the assignment isn't my concern (that's Braden's) the hours is what I am concerned about! She did say that he would be fine with hours, just get the assignment in, but she didn't clear up the fact that he may miss more days and how can he make those up?? UGHHH...
I am not sure if I will call her back, I am on the defensive and will probably just tell her that her message wasn't helpful...I just want to know how can he make up hours? She rambled about shit that isn't important right now. She is slightly demeaning, and doesn't like to validate your side of a conversation..will this just piss me off further? or should I fight for what I feel is right and make her see it??
I have however come to the conclusion that the school board does two things wrong. First, for the most part they segregate special needs students and only full fill their needs through specialized programs that are suitable for "special" classrooms. Secondly they only support "mainstream" kids in thier school system. They still do keep the programming seperate and have alot of difficulty changing their precious system when a student comes along with altered needs. We have always wanted Braden to be part of the "mainstream" system, why should he be different and recieve a different education. Courses that are offered such as co-op placements are made to be for students without disabilities, and the problem with that is no one can see outside the god damn box and figure out that if we bend or slightly change the curriculum, then maybe other students who do have special needs can enjoy and fulfill their own passions. Through all my experience, this is the problem that we still battle almost yearly. If only they could take a regular conventional program, look at an individual child, learn their strengths and weakness and then figure out a way to make these programs work for these children. Why do these children with special needs have to adapt to these programs that are clearly made for the "typical, average" student? I don't know, It surely sucks..all they have to do is realize that he has medical issues that may pull him away occassionally..not all the time, so what can we do to this program so that he can still be successful? Our battle is always the same...how can we change Braden to make him work for the program? The ultimate blow is when someone says "sorry, we can't change the way it is" Like hell it can't be changed...we have moved mountains to give our son the experiences he deserves, nothing is impossible!! Weak, weak uneducated people piss me off!!!
It is very late, and I apologize if this post doesn't make alot of sense..also sorry for all the spelling mistakes...I am still to angry to apologize for the swearing!!
Its insane, you shouldn't be going through any of this with all that the school knows, funny they cant even deal kids without disabilities, they lose it if they have to change a small thing. Our school system is not flexible at all and they dont want to change because it will have to make them work harder, they want more pay and to have to do less for it. In Bradens case, he shouldnt be treated different for learning he has pysical problems, not mental. This day in age there shouldnt be any issues between the two. This is a fight that you guys have been going through for years and its frusrtating for you and Braden. You have a right to be pissed and swear lol, you actually swore less then then I would have! All you want is your son to have a great education, and his best interests. If they think he isnt going to miss school they need to open their eyes and cant compare him to anyone else, each child is different! Wish there was more I could do to help. The school board only makes things easier on the them and the teachers amd to hell with the kids, especially ones with special needs, they dont know what to when they have to make changes, hmm funny how they are suppose to be there to teach our kids, and do what ever they can since we are paying them well I might add, they are all in it for themselves and how much they can make, unfortunate! Good luck! hope things resolve themselves soon!
ReplyDeletelove ya
LOL, thanks Candy..yea I didn't do to bad with the swearing, considering everyother word that I was thinking was the F word!! ANyways, its always been something that they can't or won't do..and it is frustrating because any child has the right to an equal education and it shouldn't matter what disability they have!! I do understand that a child with a cognitive handicapp may not necessarily need to experience all of the same curriculum and I do think those who need to learn life skills over algebra should have their needs met seperately. However, they also need to experience the classroom setting and have coping skill in environments and situations that are mainstream...unfortunately those issues are not looked at! If only I had the strength to fight this issue in the school board!! That is one thing I would certainly have changed, equal education for all students!!